Printing problem from Report Viewer

  • I am having problems with the print function in the Report Viewer control.  The following error occurs when trying to print - 0x800c0005.  All other report functionality in the control works fine (export, search, sort).  The client is on a Novell network, the web app hosting the report viewer control is asp .NET 2.0, and the report server is on another box. Printing the report directly from the report server works fine. The error code seems to indicate a rights issue...perhaps a problem with rights to the printer on the novell network?  If we move the web server to the same subnet as the client, the error does not occur.

    Anyone out there with similar problems? Any help would be appreciated, as we've been troubleshooting this for a couple weeks now.



  • Pat,

    There is an ActiveX control called "RSClientPrint" which is supposed to be automatically downloaded from the SQL/RS Server.  You might want to check if the browser shows this object as having been installed (Tools > Internet Options > Settings > View Objects).  Perhaps a browser security setting is preventing the download.

    I've also discovered that succeeding versions of the control don't successfully overlay older versions -- it's necessary to manually delete the older version first and then allow the newer version to download automatically.




  • Craig,

    Thanks for the suggestion. I do already have the client print control installed, but I did remove and re-install but with still no success. Printing works fine I go to the Report Server directly, it is only when printing a report in the ReportViewer control.


    Thanks Again..we'll keep working on it.




  • I've seen this in a prev post. Try this link

    Kindest Regards,


  • Martin,

    Thanks for pointing out this link. We'll give it a try and see if this solves our problem.








  • I have followed the threads on this problem and have been unable to resolve it thus far.


    -SSRS 2k5 SP1

    -IE7 with RSPrintClient installed.

    The problem that I am seeing is that it works in dev environments, but as soon as you go to a production(multiple server) environment the print error 0x800c0005 reappears.

    I looked into the gdiplus.dll solution and it is not installed on either server or client.

    Any other ideas?

  • The GDIPlus.dll should be on all windows machines by default. It's not something you install or would have installed in the past.

    I would suggest trying the solution I posted in the other thread. this problem plagued the company I worked for for quite a few months, and I talked with MS many times. We tried a ton of different things, they looked at system log files and a whole host of other things as well. In the end, removing the display driver from the webserver worked.


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • i was trying to print the report from the report manager, but my system is getting restarted. Can you please tell me the solution to this

  • hi,

    have you shared ur printer, so that the other server can access the printer server printer,

    just check and let me know.

  • I've to agree to post by Jason Selburg. As I've not come across these situation and was trying to fetch information but finally ended up unsuccessfully.

  • Hi,

    I'm having a struggle with the printing of landscape reports in SSRS.

    The reports appear fine when printed from the Visual Studio environment, but when I deploy to a web environment I get 1 or 2 blank pages before reporting continues (i'm using the SSRS printer icon, not the browser printer icon).

    I've spent ages looking at margin and printer settings and can't find anything wrong - especially as it works under Visual Studio.

    Has anyone experienced problems of this nature and how did you resolve them?



  • Hi,

    If you are using group then please check your group properties. If "Page Break at Start" is checked then please uncheck it.

    Hope this will work. Please ignore if you already did this.

    Thanks & Regards

  • Thanks for your reply. I considered grouping but it didn't really improve the situation.

    I'm using several matrices and I expect that may be causing an issue but am not certain.


  • I faced a similar kind of problem.

    It was generating blank pages because the page size was more than what is being allocated to/used by the matrix.

    I just dragged the report page to the left till the matrix right end i.e. made the page to fit the matrix with no blank spaces.

    Also look into the spacing between the matrices. They should be as minimum as possible.

    I an not sure if you are in the same situation but it may help you.

    Hope I made sense!

  • Hi,

    If you have a long group (length) then please try to break up in small group. I did it in my report and it worked but I don't know exact format of your report so I can just shoot in the air....:)

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