Primary Key

  • Hi Experts,

    I have more than 100 tables in a database and is there any way to create primary key to all tables in a go.Please help me as I am new to SQL Server Development.


  • I doubt there's a way to do this in a single go. Each table will need and individual PK created. Unless you've named the primary key in all 100 tables ID or something (a horrible idea), you can't easily generate code to create it. However, if you're intent on trying, try using a combination of sp_msforeachtable and sp_executesql to generate ad hoc queries.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • .

  • Thanks Grant.

    My idea was to create a procedure like

    create procedure rkn_pk

    declare @tabname char(50)

    declare @colname char(50)


    alter table @tabname add constraint @tabname+pk primary key on @colname

    Is that possible.


  • Created this but getting error while executing as the constraint name is creating lot of space

    alter procedure rkn_pk

    @tabname char(50),

    @colname char(50)



    declare @sql as varchar(500)

    select @sql='alter table '+ @tabname +'add constraint '+ @tabname+'_pk1'+' primary key'+ '('+@colname+')'



    Please help

  • Solved

  • Hi Ratheesh,

    Can you please give me the code that solved your issue.

    Iam also looking for the same query and conditions.



  • ALTER procedure [dbo].[rkn_pk]

    @tabname char(50),

    @colname char(50)



    declare @sql as varchar(500)

    select @sql='alter table '+ RTRIM(@tabname) +' add constraint '+ RTRIM(@tabname)+'_pk1' + ' primary key'+ '('+RTRIM(@colname)+')'

    execute (@sql)


    EXEC [rkn_pk] 'RKN','NO'

  • Hi

    I would advice to use QUOTENAME to avoid SQL injections:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[rkn_pk]

    @tabname CHAR(50),

    @colname CHAR(50)



    SELECT @tabname = LTRIM(RTRIM(@tabname)), @colname = LTRIM(RTRIM(@colname))

    DECLARE @pk_name AS VARCHAR(100)

    SELECT @pk_name = @tabname + '_pk1'

    DECLARE @sql AS VARCHAR(500)

    SELECT @sql = 'ALTER TABLE '+ QUOTENAME(@tabname) + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + QUOTENAME(@pk_name) + ' PRIMARY KEY ' + ' ('+ QUOTENAME(@colname) + ')'

    EXECUTE (@sql)


    Two other questions:

    Why do you use CHAR instead of VARCHAR?

    Why do you not script your PRIMARY KEY as CLUSTERED?



  • Thanks Florian for the Tips,

    Actually created this as an experiment. I want to convert this to DB2 which i dont know..Do you have any idea? I will be very thankful if you can help me in doing that.


  • Hi Ratheesh

    Sorry, I have absolutely no idea about DB2.

    Good luck


  • By default, a column declared as a PRIMARY KEY should be clustered. Looking at the script I did not see anything about dropping an existing clustered index prior to creating the PRIMARY KEY.

    In addition to adding the PRIMARY KEY (a serious design error) you should also take a good like at any index present in the database as well.


  • J (3/28/2009)

    By default, a column declared as a PRIMARY KEY should be clustered. Looking at the script I did not see anything about dropping an existing clustered index prior to creating the PRIMARY KEY.

    Did you notice my question below my posted script? 😉

    I just didn't add the CLUSTERED option because the previous script did not contain it.



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