July 10, 2006 at 4:52 am
We know that a database can have more than one owner but what are the consequences of two or more owners? Who will be 'prima inter pares'(first among equals)? A new upgrade to an application appears to have this facility
Madame Artois
July 11, 2006 at 1:49 am
The account with "dbo" wins the db_Owner battle, generally.
When the other db_Owner or sysadmin creates the object, then it can be owned by <Other User>.<database object> instead of dbo.<database object>. Use sp_changedbowner or sp_changeobjectowner to correct this situation.
Be aware that you can have dbo.MyTable and <other owner>.MyTable in the same database...
July 11, 2006 at 2:15 am
How could you test for who owned what before trouble sets in?
We have already had the situation where deleting a user (when she left) couldn't be achieved as they 'owned' something but we had no idea what. Using sp_changedbowner and sp_changeobjectowner did not help; we simply couldn't not get rid of her. We managed in the end, on a test database, by removing all the users, with the exception of 6-7 users (who owned objects). We then ran sp_validatelogins, which produced no results; however then we could delete these users, leaving just the dbo.
We would hate to have to delete 300-400 users in the Live database, force the leaver out by the above method, then re-insert all the users.
Another scenario they we can think of is, that if an object is owned by <other user> and needs amending, will dbo be able to ?
Madame Artois
July 12, 2006 at 2:14 am
Do you need objects owned by different owners, or are you aiming for the recommended practice of having everything owned by dbo?
The following query will give you a list of all non-dbo objects and their owners:
select name, user_name(uid) from sysobjects where uid <> 1
You will then want to verify that each of these objects doesn't have an object of the same name owned by dbo. After that, use sp_changeobjectowner to change the owner to dbo.
Users with db_owner access should be instructed to qualify names of new objects they create with "dbo." to avoid this issue recurring.
July 12, 2006 at 3:36 am
We have tried the script against the relevant database but got no results. When we deleted the element 'where uid <>1' everything came back as being 'dbo'
Madame Artois
July 12, 2006 at 4:02 am
And there are still users in the database that you can't delete because it says they own objects?
July 12, 2006 at 4:40 am
Yes there are. We have tried the script against a test database with no users/owners in and one where we definitely know we have users who own objects with the same results
Am I right in my understanding that these users do not own tables but objects with tables? These particular users are/were data administrators and gave other users access to the application through the application itself. They did not have server access rights under the current version: the new version (upgrade) will give them server access rights.
Our problem is that we have enough trouble already with these data administrators owning objects; we fear the new version will make things worse.
Madame Artois
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