Previous Week data to current week data

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • khtmhai5 wrote:

    Getting the below error.

    Msg 127, Level 15, State 1, Line 62

    If you are looking for sympathy. poor you!

    If you want help resolving the error, please post the problematic query and the text of the error message.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • As a single statement something similar to the query posted earlier.  As has been mentioned more than once the WeekNo column in the example data is not sortable and it's a pita to reformat in code.  To make easier I retyped your data with sortable WeekNo to match the YYYwWk column in the function

    drop table if exists #datatab;
    create table #datatab(
    ,WeekNo CHAR(8) NOT NULL

    insert #datatab(EmpNo, WeekNo, Rnge) values
    (111, '2021W52', 12)
    ,(111, '2022W02', 10)
    ,(111, '2022W04', 17)
    ,(210, '2022W01', 22)
    ,(210, '2022W04', 55)
    ,(210, '2022W08', 15)
    ,(210, '2022W09', 26);

    lead_cte as (
    select *, lead(WeekNo) over(partition by EmpNo order by WeekNo) lead_wk
    from #DataTab d)
    select l.*, nxt.nxt_wk, cal.YYYYwWk, expanded.CalcRnge,
    lag(expanded.CalcRnge, 1, 0) over (partition by l.empno order by cal.YYYYwWk) NewRnge
    from lead_cte l
    cross apply (select top(1) cd.YYYYwWk
    from dbo.CalendarByDateFirst('20211201', '20221231', 7) cd
    where cd.YYYYwWK>l.WeekNo
    order by cd.YYYYwWK) nxt(nxt_wk)
    cross apply (select distinct YYYYwWK
    from dbo.CalendarByDateFirst('20211201', '20221231', 7) cd
    where cd.YYYYwWK >= l.WeekNo
    and cd.YYYYwWK<coalesce(l.lead_wk, nxt.nxt_wk)) cal(YYYYwWk)
    cross apply (values (iif(l.WeekNo=cal.YYYYwWk, l.Rnge, 0))) expanded(CalcRnge)
    order by l.EmpNo, cal.YYYYwWk;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Hi ,

    First would like to Thank Steve Collins for his time and effort on achieving this.

    How to achieve the same with Archive records as well along with the current table records.

    Below is the sample data i have in archive #datatab_arch, how can i join with the current table. Also attached the sample records of 111 record which i am suppose to get.

    Why Archive is need is to take last 4 weeks of data from older record and find its last value and sum them up and do the other logic.


    drop table if exists #datatab;
    drop table if exists #datatab_arch;
    create table #datatab_arch(
    ,WeekNo CHAR(8) NOT NULL

    insert #datatab_arch(EmpNo, WeekNo, Rnge) values
    (111, '2021W46', 46)
    ,(111, '2021W47', 47)
    ,(111, '2021W48', 48)
    ,(210, '2021W51', 44)

    create table #datatab(
    ,WeekNo CHAR(8) NOT NULL

    insert #datatab(EmpNo, WeekNo, Rnge) values
    (111, '2021W50', 50)
    ,(111, '2021W51', 51)
    ,(111, '2021W52', 52)
    ,(111, '2022W02', 10)
    ,(111, '2022W04', 17)
    ,(210, '2022W01', 22)
    ,(210, '2022W04', 55)
    ,(210, '2022W08', 15)
    ,(210, '2022W09', 26);

    Select * from #datatab_arch

    --- Expected sample output for 111 record. This has Archive along with current records.

    Select 111,'2021W45', 45,'2021W46', '2021W46', '2021W45', 45,0
    UNION Select 111,'2021W46', 46,'2021W47', '2021W47', '2021W46', 46,45
    UNION Select 111,'2021W47', 47,'2021W48', '2021W48', '2021W47', 47,46
    UNION Select 111,'2021W48', 48,'2021W49', '2021W49', '2021W48', 48,47
    UNION Select 111,'2021W49', 49,'2021W50', '2021W50', '2021W49', 49,48
    UNION Select 111,'2021W50', 50,'2021W51', '2021W51', '2021W50', 50,0
    UNION Select 111,'2021W51', 51,'2021W52', '2021W52', '2021W51', 51,50
    UNION Select 111,'2021W52', 52,'2022W02', '2022W01', '2021W52', 52,51

    lead_cte as (
    select *, lead(WeekNo) over(partition by EmpNo order by WeekNo) lead_wk
    from #DataTab d)
    select l.*, nxt.nxt_wk, cal.YYYYwWk, expanded.CalcRnge,
    lag(expanded.CalcRnge, 1, 0) over (partition by l.empno order by cal.YYYYwWk) NewRnge
    from lead_cte l
    cross apply (select top(1) cd.YYYYwWk
    from dbo.CalendarByDateFirst('20211201', '20221231', 7) cd
    where cd.YYYYwWK>l.WeekNo
    order by cd.YYYYwWK) nxt(nxt_wk)
    cross apply (select distinct YYYYwWK
    from dbo.CalendarByDateFirst('20211201', '20221231', 7) cd
    where cd.YYYYwWK >= l.WeekNo
    and cd.YYYYwWK<coalesce(l.lead_wk, nxt.nxt_wk)) cal(YYYYwWk)
    cross apply (values (iif(l.WeekNo=cal.YYYYwWk, l.Rnge, 0))) expanded(CalcRnge)
    order by l.EmpNo, cal.YYYYwWk;

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  LearnSQL.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  LearnSQL.
  • Any suggestions or reference please ?

  • Thanks to Jeff Moden in this thread for the function used here

    In row 1 of the expected output from which input table does the Rnge value 45 come from?  Why not combine the tables using UNION ALL or in a temp table?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  Steve Collins.

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

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