Preventing non-null duplicates

  • Hello - I would like to prevent users from adding duplicate values to a field which also contains many null values. I've spoken to two developers that tell me that I have to create a composite index. However, on closer examination, we found that we can't create a composite index that doesn't include any duplicates. Could someone please point me in the right direction (I've got a grand total of two days working with SQL Server).  Thank-you!  

    Tom Folinsbee  

  • Eventhough creatting a trigger for that is not a difficult thing if you are allowed to use all the capabilities of sql server 2000 you have another choice:  Indexed views

    let me be clear so that there is no doubt:

    create a view that select that field from the table like:

    Create view dbo.vw_test as

    select MyNullableField From MyTable where MyNullableField is not Null

    and then :

    create unique clustered index ix_vew on vw_test(MyNullableField&nbsp

    Now if you try to save a duplicate there you will get an error therefore you are protected with the index

    for a version with the trigger you can take a look at This MS Tip





    * Noel

  • First of all I would do the following (Using of course your table and column names)

    Update dbo.customers set Region = 'unknown'

    where (Region) IS NULL -- repeat for each column which could contain nulls and if column is numeric substitue a numeric value for 'unknown'

    Then to determine the scope of the duplicate problem run the  following query.

    Select contacttitle, region, count(region)

    from dbo.customers

    group by contacttitle, region

    having count(region) > 1


    This should give you an idea of the magnitude of your problem.  Remember if you try to delete duplicates  do NOT delete the last one !!! -- Seach here there are lots of samples of procedures to delete duplicate entries.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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