Prevent page breaks between detail lines

  • Is there any way to prevent page breaks between detail lines in a table? I have a table with two detail lines (because there are too many fields to fit in one line). I want these two lines to stay together - it doesn't make sense when one is on one page and the other is on the next. Anyone know how to force detail lines to stay together?

  • there's got to be a better solution, but for starters, go into the page's properties and increase its height.

    all this will do is move where the page break is... it won't keep two separate detail rows together.

    also, try setting the KeepTogether property for the table to TRUE.

  • Here's the answer - but it's klugey!!

    If you want multiple detail lines to stay together on the same page, you have to create ONE detail line, that contains a rectangle (merge all of the cells in that line together first), that in turn contains separate text boxes for each field in all of the logical detail lines (stacked beside each other for fields on the same logical line and stacked on top of each other for fields on different logical lines). The detail line has wide enough to fit the text boxes stacked on top of each other to form the multiple logical lines.

    So you're just creating multiple logical detail lines by placing text boxes within a single table detail line. The rectangle forces them to stay together.

    This is a pain, but it works. Hope Microsoft fixes this in v2008.

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