Preserving Trace/Logging Data during a transaction rollback?

  • Is there a way to rollback a tranaction still preserve data logged to tables within it, or a am i barking up the wrong tree? I

    For example:

    begin try

    begin tran

    exec proc1

    exec logger msg = 'proc1 said hello world!'

    exec proc2

    exec logger msg = 'proc1 said houston, we have a problem'

    end try


    get exception data

    end catch


    if bad rollback tran

    else commit

    After rollback of course, all log messages are gone.



  • If you log your messages to a table variable first, you can then write those messages to a permanent table outside of teh transaction (either after the commit or rollback). Table variables are not affected by transactions.

  • True, I like that idea.

    The only catch is I've already standardized and coded the logging procs, and interspersed them in the code. I was hoping there was something easy where I wouldn't to recode to much but I supposed that would go against the whole idea of the transaction. I'll give your idea a shot.



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