Powershell Script to find a SQL\Windows login in SQL Server

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Powershell Script to find a SQL\Windows login in SQL Server

    Vishnu Gupthan

  • Well, this probably works. 
    But if you have SSMS 2016 (16.3+) installed you can just use the Get-SqlLogin cmdlet.
    Download here today! sqlps.io/dl

    foreach ($RegisteredSQLs IN dir -recurse 'SQLSERVER:\SQLRegistration\Database Engine Server Group\' |
    WHERE {$_.Mode -ne 'd'} )
    Get-SqlLogin -ServerInstance $RegisteredSQLs.Name -LoginName BobbyTables

    Granted, if the login doesn't exist you'll need to wrap a Try/Catch around it to get nice, pretty output, but it works.

    @SQLvariantI have a PowerShell script[/url] for you.

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