Powershell script executes locally but not after deploy to Server

  • Hi,

    I have a package with a Execute Process Task object that executes a PowerShell script that downloads a file from a tokenized URL, when the step is executed locally the task executes without with no problems but when the package is deployed to the SQL server and executed from the server the file from the URL that is being downloaded is not downloaded.

    The URL acts like a file save as operation, you click on the link and you automatically receive a Save As window to save the file.

    This is the tokenized URL that is being used:


    This is the code that is being executed in the PowerShell script:

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://www.SourceWebsite.com/user/?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInppcCI6IkRFRiJ9.eNoUkUuKnDEMhO_yrxPQ05Z6Z8nWPXqSWcwmNOkOBELuPhow-EFZ-qr073r-ebtuF0IKOMNhXOQqOOYaYhlKcmLj9e36eX_dWwlnFG3fyGoOMADWWCqzaAaPRYU1c-3NFHg4JaJ2mU_F3DN3rKG4YuZMTA40mjZg15yYB6OW6TloolSuenbuzAI8A10Pamng0gIPl6TBwYuPszAGQR22E1ILZHjIYiqynAY4nacaSwofBgsv3bSaBzBg-5iIjgvYB6oUkc86tK1doIGJCxnWF-8002YNmRNqn4iEo5nuhtvdtY1hO2lFrYZpmuQatY6cQTu44usqYLqbrE9LrbQ_df-OfdcQhb2GwXCrsPTaZiX7TMCyYgKJTqqLkAeKnt6W59F2qYrQaxrRUjLXDoB16lozjnJtstPgkR2jqVcusrnMe8g1iDArk3rSH89nD_rH--_X_ePX9_vj0W_vfx_XrZvDHKAALbq_rhsOF2VQpf-fAAAA__8.DdK8f6XTaMCjeuksi5RzxDW-5ZpkLn7oJQ2X9taQtoc&accessType=view_only" -OutFile "\\NetworkShare\Folder1\Folder2\HubList.csv"

    The following are the settings in the Execute Process Task:

    Executable = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Powershell.exe

    Arguments = -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -command "\\NetworkShare\FolderOne\FolderTwo\FolderThree\HubDownload.ps1"

    Working Directory = \\NetworkShare\FolderOne\FolderTwo\FolderThree

    FailTaskIfReturnCodeIsNotSuccessValue = True

    SuccessValue = 0

    TimeOut = 0

    TerminateProcessAfterTimeOut = True

    WindowStyle = Normal

    I am hoping some can give me an idea of why the file will download locally but won't download when the package has been deployed on the server.

    A couple of notes:

    1. I have confirmed that the job service account has the same access to the URL that I do locally.

    2. I have confirmed that the package setting for server version is set correctly to be executed on SQL 2019.

    Thanks for any light someone might be able to shed on this issue.


  • AV blocking powershell

    Access to that networkshare not set correctly (both to the location of the csv file and to the PS script itself.)

    you can check it by using a using a quick ssis package that does a "dir \\share\folder >> c:\temp\log.txt" to see results.

    you should likely be executing the 64bit version instead of the 32 bit of powershell

  • Do you receive any error messages?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Frederico, thank you for the information, I will check to make everything is running as expected and that the access is correct.

  • Phil, we are not receiving an error message at all, the logs say that the package executed with no issues.

  • This is likely to be a permissions issue. The user executing the command (which will be the SQL Agent service user, by default) needs appropriate access to all of the paths mentioned in the code.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

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