Posting records from Unbound Form

  • The strangest thing is occuring with an Access 2003 FE and a SQL Server 2000. When I create new ADO methods of Add New/Update the code will run without any error messages but the records will not post to the SQL Server 2000 tables. My "older" ADO methods of Add New/Update work just fine. Both old and new use and re-use a common connection.

    It has been suggested that I need to specify more parameters so SQL Server errors will show in Access but I am at a loss for these parameters. Below is a sample of the code that does not error out but does not post the record.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


    fOK = OpenConnection()

    If Not fOK Then

    Err.Raise 99999

    End If

    Set rstADO = New ADODB.Recordset

    strSQLADO = "SELECT * FROM tbl_ReoccurringPayments" _

    & "WHERE MedichargeSubscriberID = " & "'" & strSubID & "'"

    rstADO.Open strSQLADO, cnnlocal, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic


    rstADO!MediChargeSubscriberID = strSubID

    rstADO!MedicalCategory = strProcCat

    rstADO!InsurancePayment = ckIns

    rstADO!DayDue = intDue

    rstADO!Amount = curAmt

    rstADO!FeeAmount = curFee

    rstADO!MediChargeProviderID = strProvID

    rstADO!SpecialNotes = strNotes

    rstADO!CPNY = strEmp




    Set rstADO = Nothing

  • I think you need to remove the rstADO.Requery line. I have never used it in this context and reading up on it quickly seems to pretty much convince me that it has no place here.

  • I removed the rstADO.Requery and ran the procedure. Same outcome where the code runs fine but nothing is posted to the table.

    Thanks for the idea.

  • Do yourself a service and use a stored proc and adodb.command object to insert records.

  • What's fOK and cnnlocal? Which of them are the ADO connection object?

  • fOK is a boolean variable on the form and it equals the boolean outcome of the Public Function OpenConnection(). cnnlocal is the ADO Connection object. It is declared as a Public Variable and instantiated in the OpenConnection() function. The connection string is:

    Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Date Source=(local);Initial Catalog="MedichargeTables1";Integrated Security=SSPI

    The connection is shared by other pieces of the application to pull information into Access and to push updated or new information back up into SQL Server.

    What is so frustrating is that with no errors being brought up during the code execution I cannot say if the problem is a connection issue or not.

  • Kevin,

    As a SQL Sever newbie I think I understand what you are saying. If I wanted to use a stored proc I would have to pass up the data in the form fields as variables to the stored procedure for appending to an SQL Server table.

    In other parts of my application I have multiple records that I either want to append or update in a SQL Server table. How would you send multiple records into a stored proc for updating?

    Thanks for putting up with my newbie questions.

  • I am unsure if this will answer your Question, but this is my usual insert/update approach for "unbinding" forms.


    @tableID bigint = null OUTPUT,

    @value1 varchar(50)


    IF @tableID IS NULL --INSERT


    INSERT INTO Table1


    SELECT @value1

    SET @tableID = SCOPE_IDENTITY() --return the ID back to the comman object




    UPDATE Table1

    SET value1 = value1

    WHERE tableID = @tableID


  • Try changing rstADO.Update to rstADO.UpdateBatch.

    Also, you don't need rstADO.Requery.

    Hope this helps.  😎

  • Steve,

    I'm not too familiar with ADO but the following code worked for me:

    Private Sub Command0_Click()

    Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection

    cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _

       "Data Source=.\ADODATA.mdb;"

    Set rstADO = New ADODB.Recordset

    rstADO.Open "SELECT * FROM subs WHERE subID = '" & Me![SUBID] & "'", cnn, adOpenDynaset, adLockBatchOptimistic



    rstADO!Subname = Me!Subname




    Set rstADO = Nothing

    End Sub

    Changes made were OpenDynaset and also me! to point where variables are coming from - ie Form


  • Scott,

    Update Batch appears to do the trick!

    I also compared the table's properties with another table that I can post to and found the table in question not clustered. By changing both settings it appears to work!


    Thanks for the ADO code on what to work but your connection string is for Jet and not for SQL Server. I don't think I would get too far with that.


    Thanks for the code sample for a stored procedure. I am going to play with that and see if I can get that to work!

    Thanks everyone for your help!

  • Steven,

    As to why you didn't receive an error message...

    We have one installation of Access 2003 that will not return error messages unless that user compiles the MDB on their own machine. Weird problem but it happens.


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