Posting in this Forum - Checking if it works (Also a question?)

  • Most of you are SQL developers and DBAs making decent money.  Will you give it up to do something you like do but earn much less money?  Example will you give up to be a DBA and become a headstone maker because you can be your own boss and work on your own timeline ?

  • It would be hard for me to support my family on less than I make now, so no, I wouldn't give it up.  Fortunately, I really like what I do now so I don't have to make choices like that!



  • It depends. Can I still support myself and my family? My wife worked for one of those three letter U.S. government jobs and hated it. She wanted to do and teach alternative healing but had to support her two daughters (she was a single mom at the time). We met, got married and managed to live off my salary for a year to see if we could do it (she was making more than me at the time). She quit her job and started doing what she loved. Now she again makes more money than me, is self-employed and enjoys her job.

    Me? Our daughters have moved out so we are on our own. We wanted to live in Arizona (vice Maryland), I got a job (SQL Server DBA still) that pays a bit less and moved. Soon as our house sells, my wife will join me and she will have to work to get her business back to where it currently is.

    So, yes.....we've both taken jobs that paid less (at least at first) and moved to another state just for 'self happiness'.


  • Boy I hate to say it, but it depends with me as well.

    If I could support my family I'd be tempted. The thing is there are things I'm interested in, woodworking, owning a bookstore, helping my wife with her business, etc. But will I enjoy them anymore than I like DBA work? Or writing since that's what I do now?

    A hobby is fun, but if you have to do it day after day, it might not be fun. What I'd like to be able to do is find something that will support me, and then take 4-6 months and try it. That's not usually feasable, but that's what I'd like.

    The advice I always give people contemplating this is "the grass is not always greener". You really need to think through all the things you don't like and spend time imagining if you can deal with them. Or maybe work your 2nd job at night for a few months and see if it's still something you love.

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