Possible to Fail a job step via ExecuteSQLTask???

  • I am curious to know if I was to have an Execute SQL task which had some code such as

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TableA WHERE FileName = 'SomeFile'

    and I get a record count back is there a way to FAIL the step which would fail the package?

  • Yes:


    if exists (

    select filename

    from tableA

    where Filename = 'SomeFile') begin


    raiserror('File found', 16, 1)




  • So by using the RaiseError command that will fail the package? which would allow me to branch some logic (on failure/on success)?

    Thanks for the quick reply.


  • What you are asking for is conditional processing based on a return value rather than fail a step.  There was a post on here somewhere (can't find it at the moment) which discussed this exact point.

    I think what you need to do is to put the return value into a global variable and then use an ActiveX script to enable or disable particular steps which would branch you DTS package.

    If I find the other post , I'll let you know.

    Have a look at http://www.sqldts.com/246.aspx for the general idea.


  • I got it figured out and it was pretty simple once I got it to work. I used the SQLExecute Task to execute a query (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table_A WHERE Table_A = ?)

    The question mark is setup for an input parameter which is a global variable @FileName...which I get from a previous process in the DTS Job.

    The query results are then sent to another global variable @RowCount as an output parameter.

    The next step is an activeX script that does a simple If statement to check the value of @RowCount. If @RowCount > 0 then fail package, move file in question to Error Directory, and Send email message of the issue.

    Thanks for getting me on the right path Jeremy.


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