Possible to avoid a SELF JOIN without a Subquery?

  • Hi,

    I'm wondering if there is a way to write a query such as this without using a SELF JOIN..

    SELECT TypeRelationship.pkid, TypeRelationship.ParentTypeId, TypeRelationship.ChildTypeId

    FROM ContactType AS ChildType

    INNER JOIN TypeRelationship ON ChildType.pkid = TypeRelationship.ChildTypeId

    INNER JOIN ContactType AS ParentType ON TypeRelationship.ParentTypeId = ParentType.pkid

    I guess what I'm asking is "Is there a way to write a query like this using only one instance of the ContactType table, and not using subqueries"....

    It is for a view, and I want to index that view, if this helps...



  • If these are related in a hierarchial manner, no. You need two instances in a self join to match up the values. If you have these columns indexed, this should not be a performance issue.

  • As suspected, thanks Steve....

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