Populating a table

  • Hi,

    I have a table with the following columns

    id, date,day_of_month,month_of_year,week_of_year

    I need to populate this table with dates from 1st Jan 2003 to 31Dec 2003. How can i do this using a proceedure? help anyone

    So for example i should fill up the table like below


    ID      date               day_of_month   month_of_year    week_of_year

    1    1-jan-2003          1                    1                        1

    2    2-jan-2003          2                    1                        1

     ||            ||               ||                ||                  ||

    32   1-feb-2003           1                   2                       5

     ||            ||               ||                ||                  ||

    365  31-dec-2003      31                   12                   52



  • create table dates


            id              smallint identity (1, 1),

            "date"          datetime,

            day_of_month    tinyint,

            month_of_year   tinyint,

            week_of_year    tinyint



    declare @d datetime

    set @d = '2003-01-01'

    while (@d < '2004-01-01')


            insert  dates ("date", day_of_month, month_of_year, week_of_year)

            select  @d,

                    datepart(dd, @d),

                    datepart(mm, @d),

                    datepart(wk, @d)

            set @d = dateadd(dd, 1, @d)


    select  * from dates

  • Thankyou very much

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