Policy evaluation Mode issue [sql 2008 R2]

  • Hi, i have sql 2008 r2 enterprise version

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4297.0 (X64) Nov 22 2013 17:24:14 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7600: )

    in advaneced settings Allow triggers to fire others set to true

    now i create condition: Faced=table Field=@Name Operator=LIKE Value = 'tbl_%'

    i try to create policy but in Evaluation Mode i have only: On schedule and On demand.

    Does anyone know why i cant see On Change – Log only and On Change – Prevent mode?


  • Looks like "Prevent" and "Log Only" are not supported for tables which is quite strange though it's supported for Stored Procedures and UDF's


    f.[name] [FacetName]

    ,ISNULL(p.d,'') [On change: prevent]

    ,ISNULL(l.d,'') [On change: log only]

    ,ISNULL(ds.d,'') [On demand / On schedule]

    FROM msdb..syspolicy_management_facets f

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT 'Yes' d,1 n) p ON f.execution_mode & p.n = p.n

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT 'Yes' d,2 n) l ON f.execution_mode & l.n = l.n

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT 'Yes' d,4 n) ds ON f.execution_mode & ds.n = ds.n

    ORDER BY f.[name]

    I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server

  • Yes, i found it, must be "table options"

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