Policy Based Management

  • Is it possible to specify more than one target in Policy based management. I am trying to enforce dbo schema in 5 different databases but it seems like i would have to create a different condition for each database. Is there a way i can use one condition for all 5 databases. Or possibly limit the rule to the Windows group?

  • You would create a condition on the database facet, for the name object and give it the names of the DB's you want it to check, then it uses that condition to check the DB's for that particular policy.

  • I create a condition on the database facet which has 3 database names. I also create another condition on the Multipart naming and choose the @SchemaName = 'dbo'. I use the Database names condition as my target and select "On change:prevent" as the Evaluation mode. I get this error "Operation 'Create' on object ObjectSet[@Name = 'Enforce dbo Schema_ObjectSet'] failed during execution. Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UQ_syspolicy_objects_sets_name'. The duplicate key value is (Enforce_dbo_Schema_ObjectSet).

  • I was able to delete the Enforce dbo objectset from [msdb].[dbo].[syspolicy_object_sets_internal]. When i tried creating the policy again i got this error: Object Set 'Enforce dbo Schema_objectset does not support Evaluation Mode 'On change:prevent'

  • Then it looks like you have created two object with the same name, which will break the unique key.

    You first need to create your multipart identifier condition.

    Then create the policy which enforces the multipart condition.

    Within the targets, use the first target (sequence) and change the In every database to a new condition on the database facet, name object and the db names.

    Then within the other in every database just select the DB condition.

  • Dit what you suggested. Created the multipart condition and a DB condition that has all the databases, in the target box i choose the DB condition but i get the same error:

    Object does not support Evaluation mode 'On Change:Prevent'.

  • When I limit the DB condition to have only one database in the list, it works. But it wont let me list more than one database

  • I would say you will need to create a custom DDL trigger which rolls back the change if they try to create an object in a schema which is not DBO. Apply it to all server and filter inside the trigger for the DB's you want to enforce the policy against.

  • Thanks for staying with me on this. I thot there was way i could avoid using triggers.

  • On Change : Prevent policies create triggers so your not doing anything different as to what you where trying to do in the first place, its just it doesn't look like your creating a trigger in PBM.

  • You might be right on that. I'd use this to support my creation of creating a custom trigger. Thanks again.

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