pls how to use MeasureExpression?

  • what is the syntax to use MeasureExpression.

    right click a Fact and hit properties. over in the right is MeasureExpression. where is a sample syntax to use that?

    also is it possible to add stdev to the aggregateFunction list?

    i was suppose to have this working already :0


  • sample measure expression

    Measure1 is called Sales

    Measure 2 is called Increase

    For Measure 1, expression could be

    Sales * Increase

    Basically does what in the old world, we used to call 'before rollup' ie sum of (A x B), not SUm(A) x Sum(B)

    See here for a much better run through -->

    Also note the link from Chris' site to Richard T's whitepaper, you may want to follow that also.

    You could prob use a calculated measure to do your stddev.


  • by calculated you mean the Calculations tab then that entry takes a {set} as the parameter for stdev.

    stdev({set}, expression) and typically you put in a date field here and it aggragates data accross the dates.

    what i am looking for is to aggragate the data of a column for each single date seperately.

    just like when you click of a Fact and you select an aggregateFunction of MIN

    that gives me a MIN of the single column of that data that is aggregated.

    i tried in calculations to put the same name into both fields but get error values

    stdev([stddevValue], [stddevValue])

    this when i created Fact > stddevValue as AggregateFunction = None

    now i see what you mean for MeasureExpression only takes simple expressions and no aggregate as i tried

    stddev(StddevPctValue) and it said it only accepts * and /

    so lastly it looks to me like i need the stdev added to Fact > AggregateFunction list


  • ok moving back to the Calculations area i think i see what is needed

    stddev({set}, {expression})

    my {set} needs to be a dimension that I am grouping by.

    so in my case I have tried

    stddev([Dim Measure Groups].[All],[StddevAvgValue])

    and when i run a query in MDX i get all -1.#IND for each date

    do i need to check for NULL or IsEmpty on [StddevAvgValue] ?

    is that why i am not getting values?

    I think i am close


  • min([Dim Measure Groups].[All],111) gives "111.0"

    stdev([Dim Measure Groups].[All],111) gives "-1.#IND"

    so i am not sure where my error can be.

    i run an MDX of it with just 1 guys data with his data row and the stdev row

    i get correct values for his row and -1.#IND for the stdev rows

    same thing for when i hardcode a value into it like above 111 - i still get that error.

    just had a thought that my columns are [report dates] and it is my rows ("ON ROWS") that has [Dim Measure Groups]

    does stdev only work on a column name that is in the MDX "ON COLUMNS" ?


  • ok so i figured out ...[All] or .Siblings is a grouping and stdev needs a {set}

    so i used stdev({Descendants([Dim Provider].[Dim Provider].Siblings) },...

    and Descendants gives me all the child items as a set.

    only i want to omit .[All] which is showing too. is there a way to omit hardcoded 1 item in list (in my case [Dim Provider].[Dim Provider].[All])?

    so i am getting values now which are 0. at least no errors.

    is there a way to exclude data that is empty or NULL ?

    i currently have

    iif((IsEmpty([StddevAvgValue]) or [StddevAvgValue] is null),0,[StddevAvgValue])

    but that is changing missing data to 0 which might mess up results.


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