Please Ignore This User -> ItalianOlgi

  • ItalianOlgi poses as a genuine user by asking newb-type questions, but his aim is only to deceive.

    He claims to be a Tech Support person from Italy (doubtful) studying to be a DBA for the money. The main issue with him/her is the blatantly unabashed intention to become a DBA by memorizing the answers to interview questions. Please don't feed the animals. They tend to linger if you do.

    Off to the showers now. I feel dirty just writing about it.

  • I received a complaint from the user about some of the postings. While I told him/her that I disagreed with the tact they were taking and that I understood the posts you have made, please remember to keep it professional. You are welcome to complain or not give answer, but no personal attack please.

  • I was using "Please Don't Feed.." as it is written on signs in the zoo. Strictly an analogy of what can happen when one fuels a fire. Oh wait, I retract my use of another analogy that could be misconstrued as my accusing someone of being on fire. :hehe:

    Anyway, my post was not meant as a personal attack. I apologize for any misunderstanding. My post was, in fact, a complaint as well as a warning to those of us who hold our scruples dearly.

    Thanks for the feedback Steve and keep up the great work here.


  • Your post was fine. I added this reply to a couple threads since a few comments were approaching the personal line. I just wanted to remind people to keep things in check.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (10/20/2009)

    Your post was fine. I added this reply to a couple threads since a few comments were approaching the personal line. I just wanted to remind people to keep things in check.

    I am still intrigued to know if he actually is working as a SQL DBA, as his posts indicate that he is. I initially had no problems with his post, until he basically said he had no experience and was going to get a dba job anyway he could. then it just flamed from there.

    His comment about cheap expert dba from india was a cheap shot, whether true or not, and was only designed to upset people. I would hope that you reminded him of being professional on these forums as much as the rest of us.

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  • A few answers from these forums won't turn a wannabe DBA into a real DBA.

    He had the job, so, why bother?

    Now we may just hope he will study hard and really become a DBA.

    We all had that chance one day, the only difference is we did not fraud anybody, but this is between him and his employer.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • I did reply that his comments were not very professional and that I disagreed with the way he was approaching the job.

    Not that it matters, but others need not lower themselves to his level.

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