Please help with SQL insert

  • Any help is greatly appreciated, I have 2 different SQL servers, and I need to syncronize some information about users in 1 system with users in another.

    In system #1, I was given this query:


    select distinct r.reviewer, ac.accountid, ac.accounttypeid, at.accounttypename

    , rr.claimid, c.claimnumber, rr.reviewed, c.trustid, as Trust

    from review r

    join account ac on ac.username = r.reviewer

    join accounttype at on at.accounttypeid = ac.accounttypeid

    left join (select reviewer, max(reviewid) as maxid

    from review

    group by reviewer) maxr on maxr.reviewer = r.reviewer

    left join review rr on rr.reviewid = maxid

    left join claim c on c.claimid = rr.claimid

    left join trust t on t.trustid = c.trustid

    WHERE ac.Enabled = 1

    order by r.reviewer

    and this gives me a list of users and their usernames and the last trust account they used, etc.

    Then I have a dotnetnuke SQL 2008 database, and there is a flat user table with UserID, etc and a UserProfile table with UserID, PropertyDefinitionID, PropertyValue, etc. The UserID is what links the UserProfile table to the User table.

    I know the PropertyDefinitionID and PropertyValue of the fields I want to insert from the first system:

    So I need to get out the last trust field from the query above and get it into my local dotnetnuke database, in the PropertyValue field, where the PropertyDefinitionID = 44, for each username.

    ANY help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

  • ericb1 (10/17/2012)

    Any help is greatly appreciated, I have 2 different SQL servers, and I need to syncronize some information about users in 1 system with users in another.

    In system #1, I was given this query:


    select distinct r.reviewer, ac.accountid, ac.accounttypeid, at.accounttypename

    , rr.claimid, c.claimnumber, rr.reviewed, c.trustid, as Trust

    from review r

    join account ac on ac.username = r.reviewer

    join accounttype at on at.accounttypeid = ac.accounttypeid

    left join (select reviewer, max(reviewid) as maxid

    from review

    group by reviewer) maxr on maxr.reviewer = r.reviewer

    left join review rr on rr.reviewid = maxid

    left join claim c on c.claimid = rr.claimid

    left join trust t on t.trustid = c.trustid

    WHERE ac.Enabled = 1

    order by r.reviewer

    and this gives me a list of users and their usernames and the last trust account they used, etc.

    Then I have a dotnetnuke SQL 2008 database, and there is a flat user table with UserID, etc and a UserProfile table with UserID, PropertyDefinitionID, PropertyValue, etc. The UserID is what links the UserProfile table to the User table.

    I know the PropertyDefinitionID and PropertyValue of the fields I want to insert from the first system:

    So I need to get out the last trust field from the query above and get it into my local dotnetnuke database, in the PropertyValue field, where the PropertyDefinitionID = 44, for each username.

    ANY help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

    Proper DDL, sample data (in consumable form) and expected results would get you a tested answer to this question with great alacrity.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

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  • Sorry, thanks for the help. The first query is from a custom SQL database, the results of the query give me this:

    reviewer accountid accounttypeid accounttypename claimid claimnumber reviewed trustID Trust

    ericb1 1234 8 operator 1234 12344556 2012-10-17 8 AB


    All I need to concentrate on from this query for now is the reviewer field and the TrustID field. For where each reviewer name is, I need to insert the TrustID into a new table on my local SQL 2008, It is called the UsersProfile table:






    So for me, I am UserID 3, and in the UsersProfile table, I have a PropertyDefinitionID of 44 which is ericb1 and a PropertyDefinitionID of 45 which is TrustID.

    So for each record in the query (using the example above), I need to use the "reviewer" field, and insert the TrustID of 8 into the PropertyValue field of the UsersProfile table where the PropertyDefinitionID = 45 and where the PropertyValue of PropertyDefinitionID 45 = "ericb1".

    Hope that makes sense, thanks again for the help!

  • ericb1 (10/19/2012)

    Sorry, thanks for the help. The first query is from a custom SQL database, the results of the query give me this:

    reviewer accountid accounttypeid accounttypename claimid claimnumber reviewed trustID Trust

    ericb1 1234 8 operator 1234 12344556 2012-10-17 8 AB


    All I need to concentrate on from this query for now is the reviewer field and the TrustID field. For where each reviewer name is, I need to insert the TrustID into a new table on my local SQL 2008, It is called the UsersProfile table:






    So for me, I am UserID 3, and in the UsersProfile table, I have a PropertyDefinitionID of 44 which is ericb1 and a PropertyDefinitionID of 45 which is TrustID.

    So for each record in the query (using the example above), I need to use the "reviewer" field, and insert the TrustID of 8 into the PropertyValue field of the UsersProfile table where the PropertyDefinitionID = 45 and where the PropertyValue of PropertyDefinitionID 45 = "ericb1".

    Hope that makes sense, thanks again for the help!

    There is nothing like proper ddl and sample data...and this is nothing like proper ddl and sample data. Take a look at the first link in my signature for best practices when posting questions.

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