Please help with CURSOR - My 1st attempt and learning.

  • So I just learned about using Cursors in my SP to loop through a dataset. So I set up a dummy test. So I have 3 columes (Autex, OrigCap, LastDate). Autex is basically the acct number. In this table, I can have accts with 2 rows and accts with 2+ rows of data for OrigCap and LastDate.

    So my first highlighted SELECT (in Green), grabs the dataset and the OrigCap is Null will only bring back one instance of each account because each account can only have 1 null. I have tested this and it does give me the right dataset where I only get 1 instance of each Autex where OrigCap is NULL.

    All I want to do is run a COUNT and see how many times Autex is actually in this table. Not just Null but how many rows exist for this Autex in the whole table.

    If the result is 2, then update the one NULL value with the number (1). If it exist in the table >2, then update that one NULL value with the number (2).

    Question: Do I have the Set @AutexCount in the right place to test each Autex as it's looping? ( In Yellow)

    Is there something wrong with my IF Statement? Seems like a pretty straight forward thing and just update the one NULL per Autex with either a 1 or a 2.

    So when I run this, it just runs and runs and runs but nothing is happening. I'm showing 0 rows affected and it just keeps running till I have to stop it manually. it's like it's stuck in a loop or something with no instructions on what to do next.

    Please help a newbie trying to learn.


    USE [CroftDB]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_ContWd_DEL] Script Date: 4/28/2016 9:38:25 PM ******/





    -- Cursors is a way to LOOP through a dataset and perform a task on each record

    -- ******************************************************

    -- Learned to user CURSORs from this site


    -- ******************************************************

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_ContWd_DEL]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here


    -- Parameters for CURSORs has to start with Declare after the 'AS' while other normal SP parameters go before the 'AS' with commas

    Declare@Autex as varchar(8)

    Declare@LastDate as date

    Declare @AutexCount as float

    -- You declare your Cursor name

    Declare ContWdCursor CURSOR

    -- You have to have a FOR for Cursors, don't know why


    -- The select statement to get the dataset you want to test on

    [highlight="#2FB315"](SELECT Autex, Date as LastDate FROM ClientsContWd WHERE (OrigCap IS NULL) and Autex <> '8811sub' and Autex <> '8813sub')[/highlight]

    -- Open the Cursor

    OPEN ContWdCursor

    -- Fetch means you are putting each rows data into the parameters so you can use it. NOTE how it's in the same order as the SELECT statement

    FETCH NEXT FROM ContWdCursor INTO @Autex, @LastDate

    -- This while is a must for Cursors. The Fetch statement just means keep getting the next row from the above dataset until no more


    [highlight="#F8FF15"]Set @AutexCount = (SELECT COUNT(Autex) AS Expr1 FROM ClientsContWd WHERE (Autex = @Autex))[/highlight]

    -- This is where you will do something with each row


    If @AutexCount = 2


    UPDATE ClientsContWd SET OrigCap = 1 WHERE (Autex = @Autex) AND (Date = @LastDate)



    Else If @AutexCount > 2


    UPDATE ClientsContWd SET OrigCap = 2 WHERE (Autex = @Autex) AND (Date = @LastDate)



    --This means to get the next row and do this task again.

    FETCH NEXT FROM ContWdCursor INTO @Autex, @LastDate


    -- Must have these two

    CLOSE ContWdCursor

    DEALLOCATE ContWdCursor

  • I'm not sure why you want to achieve this with a Cursor to be honest, you could do this simply in a dataset update.

    With some made up data, would this achieve what your aiming for?

    --Create sample data table, I'm sure your data has a lot more columns in than this!

    Create table ClientsContWd (Autex varchar(10),

    LastDate Date,

    OrigCap int)


    --Create some test data

    Insert into ClientsContWd_test (Autex, LastDate)

    Values ('AA111', '01-Jan-2015'),

    ('AA111', '05-Jan-2015'),

    ('AA111', '05-Jan-2015'),

    ('AA111', '12-Jan-2015'),

    ('AA175', '12-Jan-2015'),

    ('AA175', '12-Jan-2015'),

    ('AA175', '12-Jan-2015'),

    ('AA175', '25-Jan-2015'),

    ('AA175', '25-Jan-2015')


    --begin transaction

    --have a look at what the data looks like now

    Select * from ClientsContWd_test

    --Update the table using a subquery and count. I don't know if it's applicable, but this would return NULL if the Autex/Last Date count is 1.

    Update ClientsContWd_test

    Set OrigCap = (Select case when count(C.Autex) = 2 then 1

    when count(C.Autex) > 2 then 2 end

    from ClientsContWd_test C

    where C.Autex = ClientsContWd.Autex

    and C.LastDate = ClientsContWd.LastDate)


    --Get the new view

    Select * from ClientsContWd_test


    This results in:

    A111 on 01 Jan having a NULL OrigCap

    A111 on 05 Jan having a value of 1 in OrigCap

    A111 on 12 Jan having a NULL OrigCap

    AA175 on 12 Jan having a value of 2 in OrigCap

    AA175 on 25 Jan having a value of 1 in OrigCap

    Hope that helps if it's what you're aiming for 🙂


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • To start on why it stays in an infinite loop, you have the Set @AutexCount before the begin, so this is the only statement running as a loop without any way to exit the loop.

    Second, this way of coding SQL is commonly referred as RBAR (Row-By-Agonizing-Row). It comes from procedural programming, but it's a bad idea in SQL. To write SQL you need to think of each set as a whole, instead of thinking on rows. The first step is to stop thinking what you want to do with a row and start thinking what you want to do with a column.

    Thom posted an example on how you could rewrite this code with less lines and in a more efficient way. My only concern is that you're not really using the date column for calculation, so some modification might need to be done.

    I'm not sure about the logic, but this is my option. Be sure to understand what's happening and ask any questions that you might have.

    UPDATE cw

    OrigCap = CASE WHEN CountAutex = 2 THEN 1

    WHEN CountAutex > 2 THEN 2


    FROM ClientsContWd ccw


    FROM ClientsContWd i

    WHERE i.Autex =ccw.Autex

    HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2) ccc


    and Autex <> '8811sub'

    and Autex <> '8813sub';

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thanks for the response guys. I tried to be as clear as possible but I don't think I did a good enough job. I understand how to update the whole column as you guys have mentioned. The reason, I'm trying to learn the row by row is the final product will not be injecting 1 or 2 in the OrigCap field. Based on if it sees 1 or 2, it will run a whole bunch of other statements + doing calculations all based on different parameters and then get a real dollar value that will actually go into the OrigCap field. The @LastDate plays into the final calculations. All of it can not be done by just a sub query and that's why I have to do it row by row. Sorry about the confusion.

    My thinking was that If I can get it to do just a simple inject 1 or 2 for now, I can fill in all the other codes later.

    Luis, I tried putting the Set @AutexCount after the Begin and it didn't get stuck in the loop. It actually did nothing. It just ran and said completed with no updates of 1s or 2s.

    OPEN ContWdCursor

    -- Fetch means you are putting each rows data into the parameters so you can use it. NOTE how it's in the same order as the SELECT statement

    FETCH NEXT FROM ContWdCursor INTO @Autex, @LastDate

    -- This while is a must for Cursors. The Fetch statement just means keep getting the next row from the above dataset until no more


    -- This is where you will do something with each row


    Set @AutexCount = (SELECT COUNT(Autex) AS Expr1 FROM ClientsContWd WHERE (Autex = @Autex))[/highlight]

    If @AutexCount = 2


    UPDATE ClientsContWd SET OrigCap = 1 WHERE (Autex = @Autex) AND (Date = @LastDate)



    Else If @AutexCount > 2

  • As part of personal experience, I would suggest to get away from cursors for this thing. Making complex calculations one row at a time will slow down your system in an awful way.

    We can help you getting a better way to handle everything in sets.

    For now, try to print @AutexCount value to see if you're actually having anything to update. It might always have a 1 as a value.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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