Please help , read the trn files names from a folder

  • Hello every one.

    we are in the process of restoring a database with 1 full backup and about 38 trans log backups. the problem is we have about 180

    databases so the process can be very tedious. My manager want's me to come up with either a t-script or batch script so it can just

    read the names of the trn files from a folder and plug it in the restore script , he doesnt want me to do it one by one as for 180 databases will take

    alot of time. iIknow how to back up and restore but have no idea how to go about make it read it from a file.

    i hope every 1 out there will understand by problem . the trn files are sitting in a folder , from there they will be restored.



  • the script should go something like this:

    -- declare variables

    declare @dir varchar(1000), @rowid int, @sqlcmd varchar(1000), @filename varchar(1000)

    declare @trn table (rowid int identity(1,1),file_name varchar(1000))

    -- set variables

    set @dir = 'dir c:\i386\ /TW /OD /B' -- look up /TW /OD and /B yourself

    insert into @trn exec xp_cmdshell @dir -- this statement will dump all your .trn files into a memory table

    -- do stuff

    select @rowid = min(rowid) from @trn

    while @rowid is not null


    select @filename = file_name from @trn where rowid = @rowid

    set @sqlcmd = 'restore database dbname from disk = ''path/to/trn/files/' + @filename + ''''

    raiserror(@sqlcmd,0,1) with nowait

    select @rowid = min(rowid) from @trn where rowID > 0 and rowid > @rowid


    that should spit you back what you want, if not, that's like 95% of what you need. Finish up the other 5% and you're golden.


    I just ran the above script and it does what you want. Just feed it the correct path and you're set

    .: SQL Backup Admin Tool[/url] :.

  • You also need to know when you are at the last file as all restores prior to that will need WITH NORECOVERY and the last RESTORE will be WITH RECOVERY.

    If you really want to speed up and simplify the RESTORE process you should be taking some DIFFERENTIAL backups in there somewhere. For example, if you are running nightly Full backups and Log backups every 1/2 hour you could/should do a differential every 4 hours then the max number of restores would be 1 Full, 1 Differential, 7 Logs.

  • Thanks alot ,

    i am looking at the script but nut much is making sense but i will look in to it and try to understand. if any 1 else can help explaining this script a bit i will really be tankfull. sorry gusy kind a new in scripting



  • what's there not to understand about the script I provided? it creates a memory table and stores all of your .trn file names in it.

    Then the while loop loops thru that memory table spitting out the restore statement. As Jack had said, you just need to put in the NO RECOVERY and RECOVERY statement.

    .: SQL Backup Admin Tool[/url] :.

  • Thanx,

    ur a great help .


  • This from a personal email and posted here so others can benefit.

    hello jack , thanx for your advise, can u please tell me , in the script , i know in the last trn file i need to put restore with revovery , but how will i know i am at the last file in the script, if u can explain this a bit i really appreciate it.



    Assuming the code provided by Oberion retrieves the files from oldest to newest (which it has to in order to work) you just need to get the max row_id and compare row_id to max row_id and adjust your SQL Script appropriately.

  • I have this in my toolkit, IIRC, it was written by Gregory Larsen. It reads the backup history from the msdb, and sorts out the NoRecovery, recovery for you.

    Of course, if you have lost your server, you have lost your ability to restore ...


    Dave J

    -- Declare variables used in SP

    DECLARE @dbName NVARCHAR (1000)

    DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR (1000)

    DECLARE @cmd1 NVARCHAR (1000)


    DECLARE @filename NVARCHAR(128)

    DECLARE @cnt INT

    DECLARE @num_processed INT

    DECLARE @name NVARCHAR(128)

    DECLARE @physical_device_name NVARCHAR(128)

    DECLARE @backup_start_date DATETIME

    DECLARE @type CHAR(1)

    -- Turn off the row number message


    --optionally set this to the name of the database you want to restore

    SET @dbName = 'myDatabaseName'

    -- SECTION 1 ----------------------------------------------

    -- Define cursor to hold all the different databases for the restore script will be built


    SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases

    --use the next line for all dbs

    WHERE NAME not in ('tempdb')

    -- or use this line for a specific one

    -- WHERE name = @dbName

    -- Create a global temporary table that will hold the name of the backup, the database name, and the type of database backup.

    CREATE TABLE ##backupnames (

    name NVARCHAR(100),

    database_name NVARCHAR(100),

    type CHAR(1) )

    -- Open cursor containing list of database names.

    OPEN db


    -- Process until no more databases are left



    -- Subsection 1A --------------------------------------------

    -- initialize the physical device name

    SET @physical_device_name = ''

    -- get the name of the last full database backup

    SELECT @physical_device_name = physical_device_name , @backup_start_date = backup_start_date

    FROM msdb..backupset a join msdb..backupmediaset b ON a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id

    join msdb..backupmediafamily c ON a.media_set_id = c.media_set_id

    WHERE type='d' and backup_start_date =

    (SELECT TOP 1 backup_start_date FROM msdb..backupset

    WHERE @db = database_name and type = 'd'

    ORDER BY backup_start_date DESC)

    -- Did a full database backup name get found

    IF @physical_device_name <> ''


    -- Build command to place a record in table that holds backup names

    SELECT @cmd = 'insert into ##backupnames values (' + CHAR(39) +

    @physical_device_name + CHAR(39) + ',' + CHAR(39) + @db + CHAR(39) + ',' +

    CHAR(39) + 'd' + CHAR(39)+ ')'

    -- Execute command to place a record in table that holds backup names



    -- Subsection 1B --------------------------------------------

    -- Reset the physical device name

    SET @physical_device_name = ''

    -- Find the last differential database backup

    SELECT @physical_device_name = physical_device_name, @backup_start_date = backup_start_date

    FROM msdb..backupset a join msdb..backupmediaset b ON a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id

    join msdb..backupmediafamily c ON a.media_set_id = c.media_set_id

    WHERE type='i' and backup_start_date =

    (SELECT TOP 1 backup_start_date FROM msdb..backupset

    WHERE @db = database_name and type = 'I' and backup_start_date > @backup_start_date

    ORDER BY backup_start_date DESC)

    -- Did a differential backup name get found

    IF @physical_device_name <> ''


    -- Build command to place a record in table that holds backup names

    SELECT @cmd = 'insert into ##backupnames values (' + CHAR(39) +

    @physical_device_name + CHAR(39) + ',' + CHAR(39) + @db + CHAR(39) + ',' +

    CHAR(39) + 'i' + CHAR(39)+ ')'

    -- Execute command to place a record in table that holds backup names



    -- Subsection 1C --------------------------------------------

    -- Build command to place records in table to hold backup names for all

    -- transaction log backups from the last database backup

    SET @CMD = 'insert into ##backupnames select physical_device_name,' + CHAR(39) + @db + CHAR(39) +

    ',' + CHAR(39) + 'l' + CHAR(39) +

    'from msdb..backupset a join msdb..backupmediaset b on a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id join ' +

    'msdb..backupmediafamily c on a.media_set_id = c.media_set_id ' +

    'where type=' + CHAR(39) + 'l' + CHAR(39) + 'and backup_start_date > @backup_start_dat and' +

    CHAR(39) + @db + CHAR(39) + ' = database_name'

    -- Execute command to place records in table to hold backup names

    -- for all transaction log backups from the last database backup

    EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @cmd,@params=N'@backup_start_dat datetime', @backup_start_dat = @backup_start_date

    -- get next database to process



    -- close

    CLOSE db

    -- Section B ----------------------------------------------

    OPEN db

    -- Get first recod from database list cursor


    -- Generate Heading in Restore script

    PRINT '-- Restore All databases'

    -- Process all databases



    -- define cursor for all database and log backups for specific database being processed

    DECLARE backup_name CURSOR FOR

    SELECT name,type FROM ##backupnames WHERE database_name = @DB

    -- Open cursor containing list of database backups for specific database being processed

    OPEN backup_name

    -- Determine the number of different backups available for specific database being processed

    SELECT @CNT = COUNT(*) FROM ##backupnames WHERE database_name = @DB

    -- Get first database backup for specific database being processed

    FETCH NEXT FROM backup_name INTO @physical_device_name, @type

    -- Set counter to track the number of backups processed


    -- Process until no more database backups exist for specific database being processed



    -- Increment the counter to track the number of backups processed


    -- Is the number of database backup processed the same as the number of different backups

    -- available for specific database being processed?


    -- If so, is the type of backup currently being processed a transaction log backup?

    IF @TYPE = 'l'

    -- build restore command to restore the last transaction log

    SELECT @cmd = 'restore log ' + RTRIM(@db) + CHAR(13) +

    ' from disk = ' + CHAR(39) +

    RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@physical_device_name,1,LEN(@physical_device_name))) +

    CHAR(39) + CHAR(13) + ' with replace, stats = 3'


    -- Last backup was not a transaction log backup

    -- Build restore command to restore the last database backup

    SELECT @cmd = 'restore database ' + RTRIM(@db) + CHAR(13) +

    ' from disk = ' + CHAR(39) +

    RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@physical_device_name,1,LEN(@physical_device_name))) +

    CHAR(39) + CHAR(13) + ' with replace, stats = 3'


    -- Current backup is not the last backup

    -- Is the current backup being processed a transaction log backup?

    IF @TYPE = 'l'

    -- Build restore command to restore the current transaction backup, with no recovery

    SELECT @cmd = 'restore log ' + RTRIM(@db) + CHAR(13) +

    ' from disk = ' + CHAR(39) +

    RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@physical_device_name,1,LEN(@physical_device_name))) +

    CHAR(39) + CHAR(13) + ' with replace, norecovery, stats = 3'


    -- Current backup being processed is not a transaction log backup

    -- Build restore command to restore the currrent database backup, with no recovery

    SELECT @cmd = 'restore database ' + RTRIM(@db) + CHAR(13) +

    ' from disk = ' + CHAR(39) +

    RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@physical_device_name,1,LEN(@physical_device_name))) +

    CHAR(39) + CHAR(13) + ' with replace, norecovery, stats = 3'

    -- if it is master comment line out

    IF @db = 'master'

    SET @cmd = '/* ' + CHAR(13) + @cmd + CHAR(13) + '*/'

    -- Generate the restore command and other commands for restore script

    PRINT @cmd

    PRINT 'go'

    PRINT ' '

    -- Get next database backup to process

    FETCH NEXT FROM backup_name INTO @physical_device_name, @type


    -- Close and deallocate database backup name cursor for current database being processed

    CLOSE backup_name

    DEALLOCATE backup_name

    -- Get next database to process



    -- Close and deallocate cursor containing list of databases to process

    CLOSE db


    -- Drop global temporary table

    DROP TABLE ##backupnames
    "I don't know what I don't know."

  • Couldn't you use that same script after each backup is taken and save the required restore script in a different location (central DB, network drive...).

  • Yes, The easiest way would by to use oSQL (or sqlcmd, but I've never used that), and save the output file somewhere other than the DB server. Again, all of the backup files need to be elsewhere too... 😉

    Dave J
    "I don't know what I don't know."

  • That's still ovbious to split all those files.

    What's the point of putting the backups on the same drive of the DB. When that drive is gone, everything is gone... and that script will do you little good!

  • I agree completely. I said "Again, all of the backup files need to be elsewhere too.", meaning NOT on the DB server. 😛

    Here I backup to file on the server, (separate drive), which are copied to a fileserver, and the logs are log shipped to two other servers every 30 mins, one here and one 300 miles away. We then backup the file server to tape, and the tapes are stored off-site. Never can have enough backups! 😀

    Dave J
    "I don't know what I don't know."

  • The only thing your DR plan doesn't seem to cover is an asteroid destroying earth... you need a fileserver on the moon, just to be safe :D.

  • Here's another personal email about this issue that I will post so everyone can benefit or contribute to the answer:

    "-- declare variables

    declare @dir varchar(1000), @rowid int, @sqlcmd varchar(1000), @filename varchar(1000)

    declare @trn table (rowid int identity(1,1),file_name varchar(1000))

    -- set variables

    set @dir = 'dir c:\i386\ /TW /OD /B' -- look up /TW /OD and /B yourself

    insert into @trn exec xp_cmdshell @dir -- this statement will dump all your .trn files into a memory table

    -- do stuff

    select @rowid = min(rowid) from @trn

    while @rowid is not null


    select @filename = file_name from @trn where rowid = @rowid

    set @sqlcmd = 'restore database dbname from disk = ''path/to/trn/files/' + @filename + ''''

    raiserror(@sqlcmd,0,1) with nowait

    select @rowid = min(rowid) from @trn where rowID > 0 and rowid > @rowid



    "Assuming the code provided by Oberion retrieves the files from oldest to newest (which it has to in order to work) you just need to get the max row_id and compare row_id to max row_id and adjust your SQL Script appropriately. "


    hello Jack Corbertt,

    sorry to get it touch with ya again, but i really need help in this, i cant figure out how to add the restore with recovery for the last trn file in the code. i understand u r busy but i am totally new at this and if u can just tell me where do add the code in the scrpit ( step by step guide like a new bi) i will really appreciate that , my boss is up my *** about it and i will forever be greatfull to ya on that .




    If you post the question on the thread it will save me time and may get you a faster answer since everyone who has posted on the thread will get an email (unless they turn that off explicitly).

    Try putting this outside the loop:

    Declare @max_row_id Int

    Select @max_row_id = Max(rowid) From @trn

    Then in the loop:

    If @rowid = @max_row_id


    set @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ' With Recovery'




    set @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ' With No Recovery'


  • Thank you for your advise which i will definetly follow, and I am going to try the code right now , hopefully this will work .

    Thanks alotttt.


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