Please help me with this Dynamic Sql Query

  • EXEC sp_MSforeachtable '

    declare @tblname nvarchar(255);

    declare @schema nvarchar(255);

    declare @Database nvarhcar(255);

    declare @dsql nvarchar(255);

    SET @tblname = PARSENAME("?",1);

    SET @schema =N'dbo';

    set @Database=N'Adventureworks';

    select @sql = N'EXEC [dbo].[usp_DropPKFKConstarints]'+QUOTENAME(@Database,'''')+N','+QUOTENAME(@schema,'''')+N','+QUOTENAME(@tblname,'''') ;



    can you please help me to fix the issue with this Query

  • sql.kishore1 (2/15/2012)

    can you please help me to fix the issue with this Query

    What is the issue? EDIT: Before you ask, no, I didn't run it to see. I don't run anything from the web that includes sp_MSForAnything.

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  • Try this instead:


    'EXEC [dbo].[usp_DropPKFKConstraints] N''' + TABLE_CATALOG + ''',N''' + TABLE_SCHEMA + ''',N''' + TABLE_NAME + ''';'

    from information_schema.tables

  • 🙂

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • It Did not worked

  • sql.kishore1 (2/16/2012)

    It Did not worked

    What does that mean? Did it not do what you expected? Did it do something else? Did you get an error message? Did your computer blowup? Simply saying it didn't work does not give anybody much to go on. This is like taking you car to the shop and telling them there is something wrong with your car. You have to provide some kind of information about what is happening if you want somebody to be able to help you.


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