Pivot/Rotate Table

  • Hello,

    I have a table that I need to read before and after rows for each row processed and include the before_type and after_type as new columns to each row.  Here is an example:

    date      user       type        amt

    8/9/06   1234       break    10.0

    8/9/06   1234       break    12.0

    8/9/06   1234       task1      7.2

    8/9/06   1234       task1     42.5

    8/9/06   1234       task1      32.5

    8/9/06   1234       break     10.0

    8/9/06   1234       task2      14.5

    8/9/06   1234       task3      55.5

    8/9/06   1234       break      26.5

    8/9/06   1234       task4      22.0

    I need to transpose the above table in this manner:

    date      user        type              amt       before-type   after-type

    8/9/06   1234       break       22.0       null            task1

    8/9/06   1234       task1       82.2       break         break

    8/9/06   1234       break      10.0       task1          task2

    8/9/06   1234       task2       14.5      break         task3

    8/9/06   1234       task3       55.5      task2         break

    8/9/06   1234       break      26.5      task3          task4

    8/9/06   1234       task4       22.0      break          null

    Any helps or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



  • I need a clarification on this. How do u know break is the first one and task1 follows break? is there time assiciated with date that tells you that comes first. If there is no column that specifies the order of the data then before and after is does not make sense.



  • Yes,  there is a timestamp column that dictates the order of all these tasks and breaks in between tasks.  The 1st table I included was sorted by user# and timestamp showing the sequence of tasks the user carried out for a given date.  Thank you very much and sorry about the confusion.



  • I think this would be best done either in the middle tier or by using a cursor.

    If you have less than 1000 rows something like the following ghastly looking query may be worth a try:

    -- Test table

    declare @t table


     tDate datetime not null

     ,tUser int not null

     ,Type varchar(10) collate database_default not null

     ,amt money not null


    -- Test Data

    insert @t

    select '20060809 09:00', 1234, 'break', 10.0 union all

    select '20060809 10:00', 1234, 'break', 12.0 union all

    select '20060809 11:00', 1234, 'task1', 7.2 union all

    select '20060809 12:00', 1234, 'task1', 42.5 union all

    select '20060809 13:00', 1234, 'task1', 32.5 union all

    select '20060809 14:00', 1234, 'break', 10.0 union all

    select '20060809 15:00', 1234, 'task2', 14.5 union all

    select '20060809 16:00', 1234, 'task3', 55.5 union all

    select '20060809 17:00', 1234, 'break', 26.6 union all

    select '20060809 18:00', 1234, 'task4', 22.0

    -- Query

    select dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, D2.DateFrom), 0) as tDate



     ,(select sum(T4.Amt)

     from @t T4

     where T4.tUser = D2.tUser

      and T4.Type = D2.Type

      and T4.tDate between D2.DateFrom and D2.DateTo) as Amt

     ,(select top 1 T5.Type

     from @t T5

     where T5.tUser = D2.tUser

      and dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, T5.tDate), 0) = dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, D2.DateFrom), 0)

      and T5.tDate < D2.DateFrom

     order by T5.tUser, T5.tDate desc) as before_type

     ,(select top 1 T6.Type

     from @t T6

     where T6.tUser = D2.tUser

      and dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, T6.tDate), 0) = dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, D2.DateFrom), 0)

      and T6.tDate > D2.DateTo

     order by T6.tUser, T6.tDate) as after_type



     select D.tUser


      ,min(D.DateFrom) as DateFrom




      select T1.tUser


       ,T1.tDate as DateFrom

       ,max(T2.tDate) as DateTo

      from @t T1

       join @t T2 on T1.TUser = T2.TUser

        and T1.Type = T2.Type

        and T1.tDate <= T2.tDate

      where not exists (select *

        from @t T3

        where T3.Type <> T1.Type

         and T1.TUser = T3.TUser

         and T3.tDate between T1.tDate and T2.tDate)

      group by T1.tUser, T1.Type, T1.tDate ) D

     group by D.tUser, D.Type, D.DateTo) D2

    order by D2.tUser, D2.DateFrom

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