pivoting against two columns

  • I have a working pivot query. I want to add two more columns to it, that also must be pivoted. I am struggling to get it to work.

    --I need to add these two columns:

    , COUNT(CASE WHEN Outcome IN ('Passed', 'Failed', 'Blocked') THEN outcome END) AS TotalExecuted

    ,COUNT(outcome) AS TotalPlanned

    --to this existing query (which works)

    select *


    (Select Distinct outcome,DTS.SuitePath,FTR2.TestCaseId

    from dbo.FactTestResult FTR

    Join DimTestResult TR on FTR.ResultSK = TR.ResultSK

    Join CurrentWorkItemView WI

    On FTR.TestCaseId = WI.System_Id

    Join DimTestSuite DTS on FTR.TestSuiteSK = DTS.TestSuiteSK

    inner Join(select TestSuiteSK,TestCaseId, Max(resultdate) as Max_ResultDate from dbo.FactTestResult

    group by TestSuiteSK,testcaseid) FTR2

    on FTR.TestCaseId = ftr2.TestCaseId

    and FTR.ResultDate = FTR2.Max_ResultDate

    where WI.Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Priority in (1,2,3,4,5)

    and DTS.suitepath like '\17.2 - FY00 FQR Top Secret%'


    pivot(count([outcome]) for [outcome] in ([Blocked],[Failed],[Never Run],[Passed])) as pvt

    When I remove the pivot operator from the above query and add the additional two lines after the first line of the query select statement returns results.

    --this runs

    Select Distinct outcome,DTS.SuitePath,FTR2.TestCaseId

    , COUNT(CASE WHEN Outcome IN ('Passed', 'Failed', 'Blocked') THEN outcome END) AS TotalExecuted

    ,COUNT(outcome) AS TotalPlanned

    from dbo.FactTestResult FTR

    Join DimTestResult TR on FTR.ResultSK = TR.ResultSK

    Join CurrentWorkItemView WI

    On FTR.TestCaseId = WI.System_Id

    Join DimTestSuite DTS on FTR.TestSuiteSK = DTS.TestSuiteSK

    inner Join(select TestSuiteSK,TestCaseId, Max(resultdate) as Max_ResultDate from dbo.FactTestResult

    group by testcaseid, TestSuiteSK) FTR2

    on FTR.TestCaseId = ftr2.TestCaseId

    and FTR.ResultDate = FTR2.Max_ResultDate

    where WI.Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Priority in (1,2,3,4,5)

    and DTS.suitepath like '\17.2 - FY00 FQR Top Secret%'

    group by ftr2.testcaseid, dts.suitepath, outcome

    However, I need this information to pivot.

    Please will someone show me which lines to modify in my pivot statement so that it works with the additional two columns TotalExecuted and TotalPlanned?


  • PIVOT can work on one column at a time.

    You could pivot manually using a crosstab[/url].

    If you're looking for some help on the forums, I suggest including table scripts, sample data and expected output to your question. See the first link in my signature line for more information.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • This might help:

    Pivot two or more columns in SQL Server

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • Thank you very much for the links.

  • You're welcome.

    Always Happy to help.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

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