April 14, 2012 at 4:45 pm
I have a working pivot query. I want to add two more columns to it, that also must be pivoted. I am struggling to get it to work.
--I need to add these two columns:
, COUNT(CASE WHEN Outcome IN ('Passed', 'Failed', 'Blocked') THEN outcome END) AS TotalExecuted
,COUNT(outcome) AS TotalPlanned
--to this existing query (which works)
select *
(Select Distinct outcome,DTS.SuitePath,FTR2.TestCaseId
from dbo.FactTestResult FTR
Join DimTestResult TR on FTR.ResultSK = TR.ResultSK
Join CurrentWorkItemView WI
On FTR.TestCaseId = WI.System_Id
Join DimTestSuite DTS on FTR.TestSuiteSK = DTS.TestSuiteSK
inner Join(select TestSuiteSK,TestCaseId, Max(resultdate) as Max_ResultDate from dbo.FactTestResult
group by TestSuiteSK,testcaseid) FTR2
on FTR.TestCaseId = ftr2.TestCaseId
and FTR.ResultDate = FTR2.Max_ResultDate
where WI.Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Priority in (1,2,3,4,5)
and DTS.suitepath like '\17.2 - FY00 FQR Top Secret%'
pivot(count([outcome]) for [outcome] in ([Blocked],[Failed],[Never Run],[Passed])) as pvt
When I remove the pivot operator from the above query and add the additional two lines after the first line of the query select statement returns results.
--this runs
Select Distinct outcome,DTS.SuitePath,FTR2.TestCaseId
, COUNT(CASE WHEN Outcome IN ('Passed', 'Failed', 'Blocked') THEN outcome END) AS TotalExecuted
,COUNT(outcome) AS TotalPlanned
from dbo.FactTestResult FTR
Join DimTestResult TR on FTR.ResultSK = TR.ResultSK
Join CurrentWorkItemView WI
On FTR.TestCaseId = WI.System_Id
Join DimTestSuite DTS on FTR.TestSuiteSK = DTS.TestSuiteSK
inner Join(select TestSuiteSK,TestCaseId, Max(resultdate) as Max_ResultDate from dbo.FactTestResult
group by testcaseid, TestSuiteSK) FTR2
on FTR.TestCaseId = ftr2.TestCaseId
and FTR.ResultDate = FTR2.Max_ResultDate
where WI.Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Priority in (1,2,3,4,5)
and DTS.suitepath like '\17.2 - FY00 FQR Top Secret%'
group by ftr2.testcaseid, dts.suitepath, outcome
However, I need this information to pivot.
Please will someone show me which lines to modify in my pivot statement so that it works with the additional two columns TotalExecuted and TotalPlanned?
April 16, 2012 at 4:08 am
April 16, 2012 at 5:39 am
This might help:
April 16, 2012 at 6:31 pm
Thank you very much for the links.
April 16, 2012 at 9:50 pm
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