Pivot or Unpivot, or both

  • Hello all;

    I have given the task to produce a report off audit table, i am stuck over here as I am going to gear up for database after spending about 6-8 months working purely on web development, so I seek some push here.

    Following are the main columns in addition to user_ID and change_date (all nvarchar)

    User Date OrderID Address1 Travel Mode RecordType

    sa 4 Feb 001 Home Self U-Old

    sa 4 Feb 001 Work Self u_new

    sa 4 Feb 001 Work Self u_Old

    sa 4 Feb 001 Shop Bus u_New

    U-old stands for previous value, u_new stands for the new value

    my report should look like this

    UserID Date Change Field Name OldValue NewValue

    sa 4 Feb Address1 Home Work

    sas 4 Feb TravelMode self self

    sa 4 Feb Address1 Work shop

    sa 4 Feb Travel Mode self bus

    I know I need to pivot/unpivot I just cannot put the puzzle together over here.

    I look forward to reply, thanks

  • Greetings,

    Please refer to the link in my signature on how to provide usable sample data.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Apologies for inconvenience, hope the following gives a clear picture

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTable') is not null drop table #TempTable

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Output') is not null drop table #Output

    create table #Source


    UserID nvarchar(10)

    ,ChangeDate datetime

    ,OrderID nvarchar(20)

    ,Address1 nvarchar(100)

    ,TravelMode nvarchar(100)

    ,RecordType nvarchar(10)


    insert into #Source


    'sa', GETDATE(), '001', 'Home', 'Self', 'u-old'

    union all


    'sa', GETDATE(), '001', 'work', 'Self', 'u-new'

    union all


    'sa', GETDATE(), '001', 'work', 'Self', 'u-old'

    union all


    'sa', GETDATE(), '001', 'shop', 'Bus', 'u-new'

    select * from #Source

    -- desired output

    create table #output


    UserID nvarchar(100)

    ,ChangeDate datetime

    ,FieldName nvarchar(100)

    ,OldValue nvarchar(100)

    ,NewValue nvarchar(100)


    insert into #output

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'OrderID', '001', '001'

    Union all

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'Address1', 'Home', 'work'

    Union all

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'OrderID', '001', '001'

    Union all

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'TravelMode', 'self', 'bus'

    Union all

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'Address1', 'Work', 'Shop'

    select * from #output

    drop table #Source

    drop table #output



  • At first glance, this doesn't seem like just a simple unpivot. I'm assuming this is just an issue in your sample data, but you don't have any field in this table specifying the order of values. ie. What makes the audit home -> work instead of home -> shop?

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Also, why is OrderID present in this "audit" table without a change where as the other two are only present when there's a change? Is there an actual need for that or is that just bad sample data?

    Are you recording it once before each line that changes and then listing the differences each on their own rows below it intentionally or is that random?

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • home -> work instead of home -> shop means when the record inserted, it carried the value home, then it was updated to work and then updated to shop. Means, it was modified twice

    Another point, whenever a record is being edited and saved, value for each column is being saved. This means some columns may or may not have new value.

    I agree, it won't be that straight forward and therefore I am planning to do it in chunks.

    I am currently through with UnPivot, the straightforward one. next is to display new and old value both in one row. I am ignoring the scenario of multi edits right now, for now, a record that has been modified twice (with 4 rows) will be displayed twice.



  • kazim.raza (2/4/2011)

    home -> work instead of home -> shop means when the record inserted, it carried the value home, then it was updated to work and then updated to shop. Means, it was modified twice

    Right, I get that... my point is that your sample data just has GETDATE() all the way down the line so the changedate on all the rows is the same; ie. I don't know if it went from home -> shop -> work or home -> shop -> work or work -> home -> work -> shop for that matter. I just wanted to verify that your real data had different dates and that they are what is being used to determine the order.

    Not sure if you saw it or not, but I posted a second question while you were answering my first, so please see above.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • apologies for the delayed response, I was on may to home.

    You are right, OrderID should not be there, since it is constant. Actually, whatever hasn't changed should not be there.

    GetDate() holds the same value as its sample


    Kazim Raza

  • Here's an example that does what you want. You probably *can* do this with unpivot or outer apply now that you took out the extraneous orderid's, but I didn't have time at the moment to work up an example of that. I'll try to add one later.

    You might also need to modify this to rownumber and join via userid in your real dataset.

    create table #Source


    UserID nvarchar(10)

    ,ChangeDate datetime

    ,OrderID nvarchar(20)

    ,Address1 nvarchar(100)

    ,TravelMode nvarchar(100)

    ,RecordType nvarchar(10)


    insert into #Source


    'sa', '2011-02-04 15:07:29.840', '001', 'Home', 'Self', 'u-old'

    union all


    'sa', '2011-02-04 15:07:36.840', '001', 'work', 'Self', 'u-new'

    union all


    'sa', '2011-02-04 15:07:37.840', '001', 'work', 'Self', 'u-old'

    union all


    'sa', '2011-02-04 15:07:39.840', '001', 'shop', 'Bus', 'u-new'

    select * from #Source

    create table #output


    UserID nvarchar(100)

    ,ChangeDate datetime

    ,FieldName nvarchar(100)

    ,OldValue nvarchar(100)

    ,NewValue nvarchar(100)


    insert into #output

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'Address1', 'Home', 'work'

    Union all

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'TravelMode', 'self', 'bus'

    Union all

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'Address1', 'Work', 'Shop'

    select * from #output

    ;WITH R AS (


    FROM #Source)

    SELECT R.UserID, R.ChangeDate, 'OrderID' FieldName, R.OrderID OldValue, R2.OrderID NewValue

    FROM R

    LEFT JOIN R R2 ON R.RN = R2.RN-1

    WHERE R.OrderID <> R2.OrderID


    SELECT R.UserID, R.ChangeDate, 'TravelMode' FieldName, R.TravelMode OldValue, R2.TravelMode NewValue

    FROM R

    LEFT JOIN R R2 ON R.RN = R2.RN-1

    WHERE R.TravelMode <> R2.TravelMode


    SELECT R.UserID, R.ChangeDate, 'Address1' FieldName, R.Address1 OldValue, R2.Address1 NewValue

    FROM R

    LEFT JOIN R R2 ON R.RN = R2.RN-1

    WHERE R.Address1 <> R2.Address1

    ORDER BY changedate

    drop table #Source

    drop table #output

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the script, I have implemented it this way;

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTable') is not null drop table #TempTable if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Output') is not null drop table #Output

    create table #Source


    UserID varchar(10)

    ,ChangeDate datetime

    ,OrderID varchar(100)

    ,Address1 varchar(100)

    ,TravelMode varchar(100)

    ,RecordType varchar(100)


    insert into #Source


    'sa', GETDATE(), '001', 'Home', 'Self', 'u-old'

    union all


    'sa', GETDATE(), '001', 'work', 'Self', 'u-new'

    --union all


    --'sa', GETDATE(), '001', 'work', 'Self', 'u-old'

    --union all


    --'sa', GETDATE(), '001', 'shop', 'Bus', 'u-new'

    select * from #Source

    -- desired output

    create table #output


    UserID nvarchar(100)

    ,ChangeDate datetime

    ,FieldName nvarchar(100)

    ,OldValue nvarchar(100)

    ,NewValue nvarchar(100)


    insert into #output

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'OrderID', '001', '001'

    Union all

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'Address1', 'Home', 'work'

    Union all

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'OrderID', '001', '001'

    Union all

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'TravelMode', 'self', 'bus'

    Union all

    select 'sa', GETDATE(), 'Address1', 'Work', 'Shop'

    --select * from #output

    SELECT distinct userid, changedate, fieldname, oldvalue

    into #oldValue


    (SELECT userid, changedate, orderid, address1, travelmode

    FROM #source where RecordType = 'u-old' ) p


    (oldvalue FOR fieldname IN

    (orderid, address1, travelmode )

    )AS unpvt;


    SELECT distinct userid, changedate, fieldname, newvalue

    into #NewValue


    (SELECT userid, changedate, orderid, address1, travelmode

    FROM #source where RecordType = 'u-new' ) p


    (newvalue FOR fieldname IN

    (orderid, address1, travelmode )

    )AS unpvt;


    select O.userid, O.changedate, O.fieldname, O.oldvalue, N.newvalue

    From #OldValue O

    Inner Join #NewValue N

    on O.userid = N.userid

    and O.changedate = N.changedate

    and O.fieldname = N.fieldname

    select O.userid, O.changedate, O.fieldname, O.oldvalue, N.newvalue

    From #OldValue O

    Inner Join #NewValue N

    on O.userid = N.userid

    and O.changedate = N.changedate

    and O.fieldname = N.fieldname

    and (O.oldvalue <> N.newvalue or O.fieldname = 'orderid')

    drop table #OldValue

    drop table #Newvalue

    drop table #Source

    drop table #output

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