pivot on 2 fields

  • I'm trying to create a query that pivots on 2 fields(entity,channel) and produce a daily sum of charges per day.

    This gives me a daily total( I would like to remove any Null values from the display) for the month, but I want to break it

    down by channel within the entity,






    desired output


    01                    02


    src                              400                      0

    xrb                              500                     0


    src                                    0             400

    xrb                                   0             500


    CREATE TABLE #MonthlyChrgs (
    tmp_channel nvarchar(10),
    tmp_entity nvarchar(10),
    tmp_month nvarchar(10),
    tmp_day nvarchar(10),
    tmp_charges dec(18,2)

    @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

    select @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(tmp_day)
    from #MonthlyChrgs
    group by tmp_day
    order by tmp_day
    ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')

    set @query = 'SELECT tmp_entity,' + @cols + ' from
    select tmp_entity,tmp_channel, tmp_day, tmp_Charges
    from #MonthlyChrgs
    ) x
    sum( tmp_Charges)
    for tmp_day in (' + @cols + ')
    ) p '

  • An alternative to PIVOT is conditional aggregation.  The sample data provided only contains 1 value for 'tmp_day' which seems to not agree with the output.  So I changed the sample data so that 'tmp_day' contains both '01' and '02' to match with the output.  Also, it's not clear if it's necessary for this to be dynamic SQL.  The column 'tmp_day' is nvarchar(10) which might suggest there are a fixed number of values.  Maybe you're looking for something like this

    drop table if exists #MonthlyChrgs;
    CREATE TABLE #MonthlyChrgs (
    tmp_channel nvarchar(10),
    tmp_entity nvarchar(10),
    tmp_month nvarchar(10),
    tmp_day nvarchar(10),
    tmp_charges dec(18,2));

    insert into #MonthlyChrgs(tmp_channel, tmp_entity, tmp_month, tmp_day, tmp_charges) values

    select tmp_channel, tmp_entity,
    sum(case when tmp_day='01' then tmp_charges else 0 end) day1,
    sum(case when tmp_day='02' then tmp_charges else 0 end) day2,
    sum(case when tmp_day='03' then tmp_charges else 0 end) day3,
    sum(case when tmp_day='04' then tmp_charges else 0 end) day4,
    sum(case when tmp_day='05' then tmp_charges else 0 end) day5,
    sum(case when tmp_day='06' then tmp_charges else 0 end) day6,
    sum(case when tmp_day='07' then tmp_charges else 0 end) day7
    from #MonthlyChrgs
    group by tmp_channel, tmp_entity
    order by tmp_entity, tmp_channel;


    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • I was trying to get the days so they would be dynamic rather than having to hard those each month.. I also wanted

    the channel to be sub-category of the entity..



  • Based on the data that's been provided the two tmp_day values are '01' and '02' which don't seem to vary by month.  As to which column is subordinate to the other, it could be switched in the GROUP BY/ORDER BY clause(s) to whatever is appropriate

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Bruin wrote:

    I was trying to get the days so they would be dynamic rather than having to hard those each month.. I also wanted the channel to be sub-category of the entity..


    The original name for such "conditional aggregations" is CROSSTABs.  To do them fairly easily using CROSSTABs, please see the following article.


    They were a life saver for me in the past.

    There's also a first article on the subject which compares the performance (on older machines) of CROSSTABs vs PIVOTS.  In most cases, CROSSTABs (especially with "pre-aggregation" if it's needed) pan out to be quite a bit faster than PIVOTs.


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • I would like to be able to run this for a given Year, is that possible using crosstabs?

    Thanks again

  • Bruin wrote:

    I would like to be able to run this for a given Year, is that possible using crosstabs?

    Thanks again

    How are you going to present a row with 365/366 columns to a client?  And how many years would be included - 3 years, 10 years - 100 years?

    I would rollup the numbers to either a weekly (52/53 weeks) or monthly (12 month) cross-tab (pivot).  For reporting you can then drill-down or drill-through to expand for a given time frame.  For example, user selects the totals column for month 10 last year and opens a report that displays that year and months detail data.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • I want to show current year and previous.. do you have any examples based upon my current query?

    Thanks again...

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by  Bruin.
  • Bruin wrote:

    I want to show current year and previous.. do you have any examples based upon my current query?

    Thanks again...

    I'm pretty confused about what you're actually using for a source table and what you want the output to look like.  Take a look at the first link in my signature line below for one way to post sample data, please.  A cleaner description of what you want for the output would be helpful, as well.

    And none of this is difficult... we just need to know the right "gazintas" and "gozotas".  😀

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Data:






    I would like to rollup the data at a monthly level by year entity and channel. If no data reported for the month than 0 displayed

    Jan                Feb             Mar    May  ...

    Year  2021

    entity   200

    channel   src                                 400                   0

    xrb                                 500                   0

    entity   300

    src                                        0                400

    xrb                                       0                 500

    I'm trying to get a breakdown by Year,Entity and channel for charges.



    CREATE TABLE #MonthlyChrgs (
    tmp_channel nvarchar(10),
    tmp_entity nvarchar(10),
    tmp_year nvarchar(4),
    tmp_month nvarchar(10),
    tmp_day nvarchar(10),
    tmp_charges dec(18,2)
  • It would have been much more neighborly of you if you had read the article at the link I directed you to and provided the data in a "readily consumable" format.  If you want help in the future, consider doing such a thing on future posts.  😀

    Here's  the code with the data you provided in a readily consumable format (one of many methods).

       DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #MonthlyChrgs;
    CREATE TABLE #MonthlyChrgs
    tmp_channel NVARCHAR(10)
    ,tmp_entity NVARCHAR(10)
    ,tmp_year NVARCHAR(4)
    ,tmp_month NVARCHAR(10)
    ,tmp_day NVARCHAR(10)
    ,tmp_charges DEC(18,2)
    INSERT INTO #MonthlyChrgs
    (tmp_channel, tmp_entity, tmp_year, tmp_month, tmp_day, tmp_charges)
    VALUES --Data for 2021
    --Data for 2020

    As a bit of a sidebar, consider NOT using NVARCHAR() for numeric data.

    Here's the "simple" code to do only what you ask.  If you need subtotals, line totals, etc, etc, let us know.

    DECLARE @Year INT = 2021
    --===== Solve the problem using a CROSSTAB, like what is in the article links I posted.
    SELECT tmp_year
    ,[Jan] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '01' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Feb] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '02' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Mar] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '03' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Apr] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '04' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[May] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '05' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Jun] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '06' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Jul] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '07' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Aug] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '08' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Sep] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '09' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Oct] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '10' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Nov] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '11' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Dec] = SUM(CASE WHEN tmp_month = '12' THEN tmp_charges ELSE 0 END)
    ,[LineTotal] = SUM(tmp_charges)
    FROM #MonthlyChrgs
    WHERE tmp_year IN (@Year, @Year-1)
    GROUP BY tmp_year, tmp_channel, tmp_entity
    ORDER BY tmp_year, tmp_channel, tmp_entity

    Here are the results...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Cool Thanks again!!!!

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