Pivot, NestedPivot, unPivot?

  • Any way to tell where I'm getting this warning from:

    Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

  • shorton2 (9/24/2015)

    Any way to tell where I'm getting this warning from:

    Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

    That comes from all the MAX() functions. Nothing to be concerned as this is normal behavior.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Great, thank you. What I have is working great.

    Last thing to make this golden. All of my milestones have Forecast and Actual. But I have a handful where I need to include a Plan date column (i.e. MilestoneX-Plan). In the dynamic code I see how to add a Plan date for all milestones, but is there a way I could limit that column creation to only happen with a set of about 5 milestones?

  • Use a CASE statement.

    CREATE TABLE #Milestonetable(

    JobNo INT,

    MileStoneName CHAR(1),

    ForecastDate DATE,

    ActualDate DATE,

    StatusFlag CHAR(1));

    INSERT INTO #Milestonetable

    VALUES (1,'A','2015/01/01',NULL,'T'),




    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max);

    SET @sql =

    --This is the header. It includes columns that will group the data. It could include a CTE if needed.

    N'SELECT JobNo ' + CHAR(10)

    --This is the dynamic part. It includes the pivoted columns

    + (


    CHAR(9) + ',MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = ' + QUOTENAME( MileStoneName, '''') + ' THEN ForecastDate END) AS Milestone' + MileStoneName + '_Fcst ' + CHAR(10) +

    CHAR(9) + ',MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = ' + QUOTENAME( MileStoneName, '''') + ' THEN ActualDate END) AS Milestone' + MileStoneName + '_Act ' + CHAR(10) +

    CHAR(9) + ',MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = ' + QUOTENAME( MileStoneName, '''') + ' THEN StatusFlag END) AS MileStone' + MileStoneName + '_Flag ' + CHAR(10) +

    CASE WHEN MileStoneName IN ('C')

    THEN CHAR(9) + ',MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = ' + QUOTENAME( MileStoneName, '''') + ' THEN PlanDate END) AS MileStone' + MileStoneName + '_Plan ' + CHAR(10)

    ELSE '' END

    FROM #Milestonetable

    --ORDER BY MileStoneName

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)')

    --This is the footer. It includes everything after the column list (INTO, FROM, JOIN, APPLY, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY) or even "totals" columns.

    + N'INTO SomeTable ' + CHAR(10)

    + N'FROM #Milestonetable ' + CHAR(10)

    + N'GROUP BY JobNo;';

    PRINT @sql;

    --EXEC sp_executesql @sql;


    DROP TABLE #Milestonetable;

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Sweet. I moved the plan date conditional to the beginning, and had a little trouble with the plus sign normally at the end of the THEN line but I sorted that by moving it to ouside the CASE and it appears to be working great.

    -- Plan date

    CASE WHEN Milestone IN ('task30','task31','task32')

    THEN CHAR(9) + ',MAX(CASE WHEN Milestone = ' + QUOTENAME( Milestone, '''') + ' THEN PLAN_DATE END) AS ' + Milestone + '_P ' + CHAR(10)

    ELSE '' END


    I tried the PRINT @sql as well, but it only prints part of the SQL, presumably it has a limit. Do you know off-hand if there is a place to configure that in SSMS (or elsewhere) to show more/all?



  • With this great help I got brave and added a needed LEFT OUTER JOIN. I need to pull in a field from another table. Had some trouble, got it to work this way. Is this the right way to do it? Specifically, the only way I was able to get it to work and add the "Status" field to my select was to also add it to the group by clause. Didn't know if this was the correct way or not. Being new, I'm doing some educated guessing. Grateful if you can let me know if I got it wrong. For (my) clarity I tried it on the static code first.

    DROP TABLE Milestonetable;

    DROP TABLE SecondaryTable;

    CREATE TABLE Milestonetable(

    JobNo INT,

    MileStoneName CHAR(1),

    ForecastDate DATE,

    ActualDate DATE,

    StatusFlag CHAR(1));

    INSERT INTO Milestonetable

    VALUES (1,'A','2015/01/01',NULL,'T'),




    CREATE TABLE SecondaryTable (

    JobNo2 INT,

    Status varchar(10)


    INSERT INTO SecondaryTable

    VALUES ( 1, 'Active'),( 2, 'Closed');


    JobNo, status,

    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'A' THEN ForecastDate END) AS MilestoneA_Fcst,

    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'A' THEN ActualDate END) AS MilestoneA_Act,

    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'B' THEN ForecastDate END) AS MilestoneB_Fcst,

    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'B' THEN ActualDate END) AS MilestoneB_Act,

    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'C' THEN ForecastDate END) AS MilestoneC_Fcst,

    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'C' THEN ActualDate END) AS MilestoneC_Act

    FROM Milestonetable


    secondarytable ON Milestonetable.JobNo = secondarytable.JobNo2

    GROUP BY JobNo, Status;

  • It seems right to me. Just as a suggestion, whenever you're using more than one table, qualify your columns and use an alias for your tables. This won't change the way the query is processed, but it will help you when writing and debugging code.


    m.JobNo, s.status,

    MAX(CASE WHEN m.MileStoneName = 'A' THEN m.ForecastDate END) AS MilestoneA_Fcst,

    MAX(CASE WHEN m.MileStoneName = 'A' THEN m.ActualDate END) AS MilestoneA_Act,

    MAX(CASE WHEN m.MileStoneName = 'B' THEN m.ForecastDate END) AS MilestoneB_Fcst,

    MAX(CASE WHEN m.MileStoneName = 'B' THEN m.ActualDate END) AS MilestoneB_Act,

    MAX(CASE WHEN m.MileStoneName = 'C' THEN m.ForecastDate END) AS MilestoneC_Fcst,

    MAX(CASE WHEN m.MileStoneName = 'C' THEN m.ActualDate END) AS MilestoneC_Act

    FROM Milestonetable m


    secondarytable s ON m.JobNo = s.JobNo2

    GROUP BY m.JobNo, s.status;

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thanks Luis. Appreciate that tip. Will do.

    I also found I could get the same result doing this. Not sure which is best, could cause an anomaly, or if it makes a difference

    I moved the additional column into the middle (Aggregated?):



    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'A' THEN ForecastDate END) AS MilestoneA_Fcst,

    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'A' THEN ActualDate END) AS MilestoneA_Act,

    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'B' THEN ForecastDate END) AS MilestoneB_Fcst,

    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'B' THEN ActualDate END) AS MilestoneB_Act,

    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'C' THEN ForecastDate END) AS MilestoneC_Fcst,

    MAX(CASE WHEN MileStoneName = 'C' THEN ActualDate END) AS MilestoneC_Act,

    MAX(status) as status

    FROM Milestonetable


    secondarytable ON Milestonetable.JobNo = secondarytable.JobNo2

    GROUP BY JobNo;

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