Pivot basic question

  • All,

    Apologises for the basic question. I have the following pivot:


    declare @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

    SELECT @SQLStr = COALESCE(@SQLStr + ',', '') + [a].[Column]

    FROM (SELECT '''' + knownas +'''' AS [Column]

    FROM standard..tabstaff where department='ccare' and active=1) AS a

    set @query='select tabusrProductGroup.title,' + @SQLStr + ' from tabusrTelephoneTemp, tabusrProductGroup,


    where ProductGroupRef=tabusrProductGroup.uniqueref

    and Standard..tabstaff.uniqueref=StaffID



    for knownas IN ('+@SQLStr+')


    execute @query

    The error I get is:

    The name 'select tabusrProductGroup.title,'Name1','Name2' from tabusrTelephoneTemp, tabusrProductGroup,


    where ProductGroupRef=tabusrProductGroup.uniqueref

    and Standard..tabstaff.uniqueref=StaffID



    for knownas IN ('Name1','Name2')

    )' is not a valid identifier.

    Can anyone identify what the cause of the error is?


  • I believe you need to wrap your @query variable in brackets, as below. Without those, EXECUTE is looking for a stored procedure with the name of "select tabusrProductGroup.title,...".

    EXECUTE (@query)
    Andrew P.

  • Hello,

    Thanks for your help.

    That's resolved that problem. Now it complains of 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'PIVOT'.' I'm still working on trying to solve it myself I just thought I'd post this to say thanks for the help and in case others hit the same error as I originally did.



  • Thanks as1981, I recommend trying to appropriate the examples in the Books Online article on PIVOT, first without the dynamic SQL clouding the issue.

    If you could do with more assistance on this, could you please describe what you're trying to achieve, and the relationships between the tables?

  • Hello,

    Thanks. I found the issue about 10 minutes go (by doing similar to as you suggested) but had got chance to post yet.

    In case it helps anyone else the correct query is:


    declare @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

    SELECT @SQLStr = COALESCE(@SQLStr + ',', '') + [a].[Column]

    FROM (SELECT '[' + knownas +']' AS [Column]

    FROM standard..tabstaff where department='ccare' and active=1) AS a

    set @query='

    set dateformat dmy

    select * from (select tabusrProductGroup.title,datetime,knownas from tabusrTelephoneTemp, tabusrProductGroup,


    where ProductGroupRef=tabusrProductGroup.uniqueref

    and Standard..tabstaff.uniqueref=StaffID

    ) as src



    for knownas IN ('+@SQLStr+')

    ) prv'

    execute (@query)

  • That's great news, thanks as1981.

    If I may be a little bold, I suggest being careful to include the table name when referencing a column (tabusrTelephoneTemp.StaffID instead of just StaffID) and avoiding old-style joins to make it easier for anyone who works with or inherits the code from you to understand the logic.

    Andrew P.

  • Hello,

    Sorry for my slow reply.

    Both valid points. I tend to be lazy when I'm doing test queries and didn't think to correct it before posting, I'll remember for next time.


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