Pivot and grouping question

  • I have a table with structure Education(edu_id, emp_id, school, degree) where an employee can have multiple entries if they have multiple degrees.

    I am trying to do a data extract with the following columns needed: emp_id, school1, degree1, school2, degree2, ..., school5, degree5.

    So this looks like a pivot query. My idea is to create a CTE on the original table to add schooln and degreen on the original table based on the top 5 schools of an employee and then do a pivot. Any elegant idea on how to implement this?



  • There might be better solutions but I think this would do the trick.

    With CTEEducation AS

    (Select emp_id, school, degree,

    ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by emp_id order by edu_id) as ListId,

    ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by emp_id order by edu_id)+10 as ListId2

    From Education)

    Select emp_id, Max([1]) as [school1],Max([11]) as [degree1],

    Max([2]) as [school2], Max([12]) as [degree2],

    Max([3]) as [school3], Max([13]) as [degree3],

    Max([4]) as [school4], Max([14]) as [degree4],

    Max([5]) as [school5], Max([15]) as [degree5]

    from (Select ListId,emp_id, school,ListId2, degree

    From CTEEducation

    where ListId <=5) P

    pivot (max(school) for ListId in ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5])) AS Piv1

    pivot (max(degree) for ListId2 in ([11], [12], [13], [14], [15])) AS Piv2

    group by emp_id

    order by 1

  • Thanks, Patrick. I cross-posted this question on the TSQL forum and geoff5 had a solution without pivot and only one CTE:


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