Pinned: A few guidelines for this forum

  • Welcome to the future of the community forum. This space is open for thoughts, suggestions, comments, critiques, and ideas on how to move the SQL Server and data platform community forward. This is not technology specific, but for anything related to growing, nurturing, and helping others that work with data.

    In the post-Professional Association for SQL Server era, Redgate and SQLServerCentral are hoping to continue to help our community thrive. With Redgate purchasing the assets of PASS (URLs, trademarks, recordings), we are looking for guidance on how to best use this in the community.

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  • For those wishing to get regular email updates about the future plans for SQLSaturday, PASS content and PASS Summit, please sign up here: and you'll receive an update via email every two weeks providing you with details about the progress being made by Redgate to support the community.

    Cambridge, UK
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