PGP a File with an Execute Process Task

  • Just started a new job and this SSIS package started failing. It was a mess to get to the password to open the package, but now that I have it open and am trying to troubleshoot it, I have no idea what the following error code means:

    [Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "C:\Program Files\PGPeBusiness\pgp.exe" "-e "\\spa-ftpstore1\automated\Prod\159079_XXXX\XXXXIDF\BASIC_CERTS_20140909221650.TXT" cmgsmpfd" at "",

    The process exit code was "21" while the expected was "0".

    I have been attempting to research this for a couple of hours now and I am not coming up with anything.

    The EPT is set up with the following:

    Executable: C:\Program Files\PGPeBusiness\PGP.exe

    Arguments: -e "\\spa-ftpstore1\automated\Prod\159079_XXXX\XXXXIDF\" cmgsmpfd

    FailTaskIfReturnCodeIsNotSuccessValue: True

    SuccessValue: 0

    TimeOut: 0

    WindowStyle: Normal

    The following expression is set up as well:

    "-e \"" + @[User::BaseDirectory] + @[User::FileName] + "\" cmgsmpfd"

    With @[User::BaseDirectory] being \\spa-ftpstore1\automated\Prod\159079_XXXX\XXXXIDF\ and @[User::FileName] BASIC_CERTS_20140909221650.TXT. The file name variable gets populated during run time.

    I can see that the package creates the file and places it out on the FTP store without issue.

    If anyone can point me in the right direction on this, I would greatly appreciate it.

  • Three more bits of information...

    1. I have found that exit code 21 means "The device is not ready"

    2. This is failing while running the package via BIDS.

    3. There is a CozyRoc SFTP task in the package as well, but the package is failing before it get to the CozyRoc task.

    Thanks Again!

  • One more bit of information...

    Using this link:

    The Standard Output variable is telling me:

    User::StdOutput{\r\rRecipients' public key(s) will be used to encrypt.\r\rCannot find the public key matching userid 'user'\rThis user will not be able to decrypt this message.\r\aEncryption error\r\rFor a usage summary, type: pgp -h\rFor more detailed help, consult the PGP User's Guide.\r}String

    Does this mean that our client changed something on their end?

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