Personal Notepad

  • HI All,

    How do I use the personal notepad.

    For example I have pasted some useful links in there, that I was hoping would show when I make posts, so that I could quickly copy and paste from my personal Notepad, but I don't see this option.

    Could anyone who is using the Personal Notepad, please let me know what you use it for.

    I always like to get the best out of the SSC tools 🙂



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  • Christopher,

    No idea how it's used. I haven't messed with it, but I'm sure someone has.

  • I don't think that you can copy directly from the Notepad in to a Forum post, but I suppose you could have the Control Panel with the notepad in another tab and do it that way.

    I know, just a workaround. :crazy:


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