Personal Laptop

  • This is my personal preference as well. 

  • I read this article with some skepticism about the real motivation of a company to do this. For me it all boils down to whether they are providing a sizeable enough stipend to allow all employees to purchase an adequate machine (and support) for whatever their work-related processing requirements are. Some jobs may require a $5K laptop, for example, and others less.

    The last line in the article made me think "Ah-ha! There is the real motive."

    "...that a company would likely have to provide stipends for hardware purchases (italics added)"

    "Likely?". If it is just a cheap trick so the company can save money on hardware and hardware support, then the idea stinks. If they provide adequate stipends for both hardware and support, then their motives are less suspect and if it works for all involved, great.


  • Company I work for doesn't provide laptops. We all work on desktop machines.

    I bought my own laptop, and while I do sometimes do work on it, it is my machine and my responsibility. I don't connect it to the office network cause I don't want all the monitoring/auditing tools force-installed on it.


    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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