Permissions to edit SQL 2008 R2 jobs

  • Need best way to grant permission to allow one of my Power users (a pseudo/DBA) to edit a SQL Server 2008 R2 job. This user does not retain sysadmin on the box nor should they.

    This user also does not OWN the job (nor should they).. these 3 roles (SQLAgentUserRole, SQLAgentReaderRole, SQLAgentOperatorRole) are limited in that user can edit job ONLY if they own the job.

    I tried creating a new credential (referencing an acct w/ sysadmin permissions), creating a new Proxy acct referncing the new credential and adding the NT Login as a Principal -- did not work. My power user still cannot edit the SQL job.

    I think I'm missing something simple here..

  • I think they need to own the job in addition to being a member of the applicable msdb role. I don't think there is any way around having them own it.

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