Permissions on msdb.dbo.syssessions (to query running jobs in SQL Agent)

  • I'm trying to query SQL Agent Running Jobs; I've stuffed some code (found somewhere on the internet), which works fine (logged in as me/Sysadmin), into an SProc but when run from the APP I get

    SELECT permission was denied on the object 'syssessions', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'.

    I have an "Execute As" UserID where I want to access data from other databases, readonly, so I added

    WITH EXECUTE AS 'MyExecUser'

    and gave that user db_DataReader permissions on MSDB ... same error, checked BOL DOCs and it says "Only users who are members of the sysadmin fixed server role can access this table [dbo.syssessions]"

    I can't seem to find a way around that ...

    ... perhaps I don't need the code that references dbo.syssessions to find a currently running job, or there is "another way"? but my understanding is that an aborted session can leave the Run Request date behind (and leave [stop_execution_date] NULL), and therefore the only reliable?? way to detect "currently running" is to match the Session ID against most-recent-session-ID (indeed, if I do leave that out one of my jobs appears to have been running since 2011 :w00t: )





    [Elapsed (Sec)] = DATEDIFF(SECOND, A.run_requested_Date, GetDate())

    FROMmsdb.dbo.sysjobs_view AS J

    JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity AS A

    ON A.job_id = J.job_id

    -- Check that session is "current"

    JOIN msdb.dbo.syssessions AS S

    ON S.session_id = A.session_id



    SELECTTOP 1 [max_agent_start_date] = agent_start_date


    ORDER BY agent_start_date DESC

    ) AS SMax

    ON SMax.max_agent_start_date = S.agent_start_date

    WHERE A.run_Requested_date IS NOT NULL

    AND A.stop_execution_date IS NULL

  • Hi, I've been working on a program to allow a non-privileged user to start jobs (s)he doesn't own.

    With the correct setup, querying the tables in MSDB is possible. I set up certificate authorisation based on a post by Erland Sommarskog (standing on the shoulders of giants).

    This is the setup script I used, which works on my development machine - haven't tried the production machines yet:


    USE master


    -- Create a test login.

    --CREATE LOGIN aufbereitung WITH PASSWORD = 'CeRT=0=TeST'


    -- Create test database.



    USE msdb

    -- Create certificate in msdb.

    CREATE CERTIFICATE jobstartcert

    ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'Strawberry Fields Forever'

    WITH SUBJECT = 'To permit starting the Testjob',

    START_DATE = '20161001', EXPIRY_DATE = '20990101'


    -- Create a user for the certificate.

    CREATE USER jobstartcert_user FROM CERTIFICATE jobstartcert


    -- Grant rights for the certificate login to run jobs.

    EXEC sp_addrolemember SQLAgentOperatorRole, jobstartcert_user;

    GRANT SELECT on dbo.sysschedules TO jobstartcert_user;

    GRANT SELECT on dbo.sysjobschedules TO jobstartcert_user;

    GRANT SELECT on dbo.sysjobhistory TO jobstartcert_user;

    GRANT SELECT on dbo.sysjobactivity TO jobstartcert_user;


    -- Counter-sign sp_start_job and its subprocedures.

    ADD COUNTER SIGNATURE TO sp_start_job BY CERTIFICATE jobstartcert

    WITH PASSWORD = 'Strawberry Fields Forever'

    ADD COUNTER SIGNATURE TO sp_verify_job_identifiers BY CERTIFICATE jobstartcert

    WITH PASSWORD = 'Strawberry Fields Forever'

    ADD COUNTER SIGNATURE TO sp_sqlagent_notify BY CERTIFICATE jobstartcert

    WITH PASSWORD = 'Strawberry Fields Forever'


    -- Get the certificate bytes into a temp table so we can use it in

    -- the target database.

    CREATE TABLE #keys (pubkey varbinary (MAX) NOT NULL,

    privkey varbinary(MAX) NOT NULL)

    INSERT #keys (pubkey, privkey)

    SELECT certencoded(cert_id('jobstartcert')),

    certprivatekey(cert_id('jobstartcert'), 'Looking through a Glass Onion',

    'Strawberry Fields Forever')


    -- Move to test database.

    USE Tx_Steuerung


    -- Create a database user for the test login.

    --CREATE USER aufbereitung


    -- Create a procedure that starts a certain job.

    --CREATE PROCEDURE start_this_job AS

    -- EXEC msdb..sp_start_job 'OSC_Test_Job'


    -- Give test user right to execute the procedure.

    GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.usp_Launch_Job TO aufbereitung;

    GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.usp_JobList TO aufbereitung;


    -- Import the certificate we created in msdb into the test database.

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX)

    SELECT @sql =

    'CREATE CERTIFICATE jobstartcert

    FROM BINARY = ' + convert(nvarchar(MAX), pubkey, 1) + '

    WITH PRIVATE KEY (BINARY = ' + convert(nvarchar(MAX), privkey, 1) + ',

    DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = ''Looking through a Glass Onion'',

    ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = ''Fixing a Hole'')'

    FROM #keys

    PRINT @sql

    EXEC (@sql)

    DROP TABLE #keys


    -- Delete the files.

    --EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'DEL C:\temp\jobstartcert.*', 'no_output'


    -- Sign the test procedures.

    ADD SIGNATURE TO start_this_job BY CERTIFICATE jobstartcert

    WITH PASSWORD = 'Fixing a Hole'

    ADD SIGNATURE TO dbo.usp_JobList BY CERTIFICATE jobstartcert

    WITH PASSWORD = 'Fixing a Hole';


    -- Switch to the test user.

    EXECUTE AS LOGIN = 'aufbereitung'


    -- Start the job, this succeeds.

    EXEC start_this_job


    -- Back to ourselves.



    -- Clean up.

    USE msdb


    DROP COUNTER SIGNATURE FROM sp_sqlagent_notify

    BY CERTIFICATE jobstartcert

    DROP COUNTER SIGNATURE FROM sp_verify_job_identifiers

    BY CERTIFICATE jobstartcert

    DROP COUNTER SIGNATURE from sp_start_job

    BY CERTIFICATE jobstartcert

    DROP USER jobstartcert_user

    DROP CERTIFICATE jobstartcert


    --USE master



    --DROP LOGIN aufbereitung

    My current query of the database (encapsulated in usp_joblist) gives the same results (further testing and unpleasant surprises excepted) as the SQL Agent job activity monitor.






    ja.next_scheduled_run_date AS calcNextRun

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view jv

    INNER JOIN ( SELECT job_id ,

    start_execution_date ,

    stop_execution_date ,

    job_history_id ,


    ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY job_id ORDER BY COALESCE(job_history_id, 0) DESC, session_id DESC ) rn

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity) ja

    ON ja.job_id = jv.job_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh ON jh.instance_id = ja.job_history_id

    WHERE COALESCE(ja.rn, 1) = 1


    Note that the certificate login only has SQLAgentOperatorRole. This is enough to view the tables in MSDB and to start a job, but not enough to schedule a job which requires SYSAdmin rights.

    I ended up writing the schedule information to a table, then starting a job to set the schedule. The job runs with an owner who has sysadmin rights.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,

    Otto Schreibke

    The future is a foreign country, they do things differently there.
    (Stolen from Arthur C Clarke)

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