Permissions for Creating Devices

  • I am running Computer Associates BrightStor ArcServe Backup and I am configuring it to use a remote MS SQL DB. The documentation specified that this Backup software needs to use the SA login because it has the right to "Create Devices". I assume this is referring to backup devices (are there any other?) but I am confirming it right now with CA.

    I want to configure another login for this backup app.

    What permissions are needed to create these devices?

    Are there any other devices this documentation could be referring too?

    TIA for any suggestions.

  • If you've got enough disk space, then you're better off dumping your database to disk and backing up the dump file to tape.  If you have to use the Arcserver backup agent, then I would imagine that it would be enough to create a user in each database based on your Arcserve login and to put that user in the db_backup operator role.  You'll need to experiment to find out whether this is the case.

    You have to ask yourself (if I'm right about the above, that is) - if you can't trust CA to tell you the minimum level of access required, can you really trust them to back up your database properly?  Make sure you test your backup procedures and, even more importantly, your recovery procedures until you're very bored.


  • Thanks John,

    This was not for the CA SQL Backup Agent but for the actual base product to store it's backup info. (i.e. What sessions have what data, which tapes were used.) I moved that DB onto our dedicated SQL server (instead of being on the backup server). I contacted CA about it and they said the "Devices " are the actual DB that needed to be created. I created a SQL Login and granted it rights as a sysadmin and DB Creator just to get the install working. So far so good. Now the only thing to do is to remove all unneccassary privilages. CA tech support wasn't specific about DB permission but in their defense I only spoke with one person. I'll probably contact them again and see if I can get someone with more knowledge (and can speak english better too!). Thanks for the response, as always they're much appreciated!

  • Sounds like my dealings with CA back in the day!  Always difficult to get information out of them.  With this person's understanding of "devices", it sounds as if they're stuck in the days of SQL Server 6.5.

    I understand now what you're saying about this only being for storing backup metadata, but I think my point is still valid.  These people think it's OK to grant sysadmin privileges here, there and everywhere, and yet they want us to trust them to back up our production databases for us!


  • Good point. I haven't used any third party backup software for SQL yet. I still just use MS SQL backup. So far this has worked great. I guess when my DB grows quite a bit more I'll look into some third party apps to speed up the process. Right now my DB Backup which is 2.5 GB takes about 1 min 45 secs to backup locally and about 8 mins to another server. When I do decide to make that move to another backup utility I'll check out the general consensus here first! Thanks again.

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