Perfromance Monitor: unable to connect to machine

  • Last night we upgraded our server from win2000 to win2003. This server is a dedicated SQL Server 2000 SP4 (8.00.2040).

    After the OS upgrade, when I try Performance Monitor from a remote pc, I get error message: "unable to connect to machine"

    Microsoft KB (300702) does have an article about this for those who do not have permission on the remote computer. But I belong to domain administrator !

    Does anyone have a resolution to this. Thanks.

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  • 2003 has much improved security. Check that domain admins are a member of the Adminstrators group.

    If you can get to the console, log in as yourself and try running perfmon from there - tell us how it goes.


    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

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