Performing Tuning Reference

  • Can anyone recommend a really good book on performance tuning SQL Server.  In addition to being thorough and easy to understand for an experienced DB analyst but novice DB administrator the ideal book would cover both 2000 and 2005.

  • My favorite resources:

    this website (look through the articles)

    SQL Tuning by Dan Tow

    I don't have this yet but it's definitely on my list:

    Pro SQL Server 2005 Database Design and Optimization

  • A really solid book is Ken England's Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Performance Optimization and Tuning Handbook.  It's less than 400 pages, and packed with info.  It's one of those rare 'read it cover-to-cover then keep it around as reference' books.

    Reading it has completely changed the design, query, and tuning habits of several of the people I have recommended it to.

    The first few chapters of MS Press SQL 2000 tuning book (I forget the name, it's on my desk in my office and I'm at a client) add a lot of useful hardware advice not covered in the England book. 


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • What about for SQLServer 2005?


    I have always regarded this as the best place to start.

    For sql 2005 there is no one book, not any more. The inside books are good. You really need to decide which area you're interested in and search the blogs. Check out Solid Qulaity Learning, SQL Skills and there's some good blogs on the UK user community




    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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