Performence issue same sql query with different batchdate and same size data. Kindly provide solution

  • Hi Team,

    I have very funny problem, I have the data batch date wise, now my current batch date is 06/10/2014 if I rum this batch date query it will take 6 sec time, and the same time I have previous batch date 22/09/2014 if I run this batch date data it will take > 1 sec.

    Now current batch date is 06/10/2014 hear less performance in this batch date.

    But last month current batch date is 22/09/2014 , that time it was given less performance this previous batch date 08/09/2014 will give good performance.

    The below query is taken too long time:

    select (select count(Identity_Key) from dbo.SPICE_tblPremiumoverirde tblp

    inner join (Select ts1.Orgcode,ts1.Effectivedate from SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure ts1

    inner join (SELECT Orgcode , max(Effectivedate)as Effectivedate FROM SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure

    where Effectivedate<= convert(date,'06/10/2014',103) group by Orgcode) as ts2

    on ts1.Orgcode=ts2.Orgcode and ts1.Effectivedate=ts2.Effectivedate

    where (ts1.ReporttoOrgcode in (72551)

    )) AS stl ON tblp.StaffUID = stl.Orgcode

    where tblp.Batchdate = Convert(date,'06/10/2014',103) )-

    (SELECT COUNT(als.Identity_Key) FROM SPICE_tblallocationstatus AS als

    INNER JOIN SPICE_tblallocation AS al ON als.allocation_key = al.allocation_key

    INNER JOIN dbo.SPICE_tblPremiumoverirde tblp ON als.Identity_Key = tblp.Identity_Key

    inner join (Select ts1.Orgcode,ts1.Effectivedate from SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure ts1

    inner join

    (SELECT Orgcode , max(Effectivedate)as Effectivedate FROM SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure

    where Effectivedate<= convert(date,'06/10/2014',103) group by Orgcode) as ts2

    on ts1.Orgcode=ts2.Orgcode and ts1.Effectivedate=ts2.Effectivedate

    where (ts1.ReporttoOrgcode in (72551)

    )) AS stl

    ON tblp.StaffUID = stl.Orgcode WHERE (al.Report_ID = 2)

    AND (tblp.Batchdate = Convert(date,'06/10/2014',103)) ) Counttrans

    -- but this below query was taken less time:

    select (select count(Identity_Key) from dbo.SPICE_tblPremiumoverirde tblp

    inner join (Select ts1.Orgcode,ts1.Effectivedate from SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure ts1

    inner join (SELECT Orgcode , max(Effectivedate)as Effectivedate FROM SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure

    where Effectivedate<= convert(date,'22/09/2014',103) group by Orgcode) as ts2

    on ts1.Orgcode=ts2.Orgcode and ts1.Effectivedate=ts2.Effectivedate

    where (ts1.ReporttoOrgcode in (72551)

    )) AS stl ON tblp.StaffUID = stl.Orgcode

    where tblp.Batchdate = Convert(date,'22/09/2014',103) )-

    (SELECT COUNT(als.Identity_Key) FROM SPICE_tblallocationstatus AS als

    INNER JOIN SPICE_tblallocation AS al ON als.allocation_key = al.allocation_key

    INNER JOIN dbo.SPICE_tblPremiumoverirde tblp ON als.Identity_Key = tblp.Identity_Key

    inner join (Select ts1.Orgcode,ts1.Effectivedate from SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure ts1

    inner join

    (SELECT Orgcode , max(Effectivedate)as Effectivedate FROM SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure

    where Effectivedate<= convert(date,'22/09/2014',103) group by Orgcode) as ts2

    on ts1.Orgcode=ts2.Orgcode and ts1.Effectivedate=ts2.Effectivedate

    where (ts1.ReporttoOrgcode in (72551)

    )) AS stl

    ON tblp.StaffUID = stl.Orgcode WHERE (al.Report_ID = 2)

    AND (tblp.Batchdate = Convert(date,'22/09/2014',103)) ) Counttrans

  • Have you looked at the execution plans? Are they identical?

  • have you verified the amount of data for each date your are comparing these result?

    Lets Say Date1 01-Feb-2014 have 120,000 rows

    and Date1 01-Jan-2014 have 12,000 rows

    something like this, furthermore, have you check the actual query plan for the queries you have shared?

  • The execution plans won't be identical because the queries aren't identical.

    Use a variable for your date filter and you can use the exact same query (and hence exact same execution plan) for both queries:

    DECLARE @Effectivedate DATE

    SET @Effectivedate = convert(date,'06/10/2014',103)

    select (

    select count(Identity_Key)

    from dbo.SPICE_tblPremiumoverirde tblp

    inner join ( -- stl

    Select ts1.Orgcode,ts1.Effectivedate

    from SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure ts1

    inner join ( -- ts2

    SELECT Orgcode , max(Effectivedate) as Effectivedate

    FROM SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure

    where Effectivedate<= @Effectivedate

    group by Orgcode

    ) as ts2

    on ts1.Orgcode=ts2.Orgcode

    and ts1.Effectivedate=ts2.Effectivedate

    where (ts1.ReporttoOrgcode in (72551))

    ) AS stl

    ON tblp.StaffUID = stl.Orgcode

    where tblp.Batchdate = @Effectivedate


    SELECT COUNT(als.Identity_Key)

    FROM SPICE_tblallocationstatus AS als

    INNER JOIN SPICE_tblallocation AS al

    ON als.allocation_key = al.allocation_key

    INNER JOIN dbo.SPICE_tblPremiumoverirde tblp

    ON als.Identity_Key = tblp.Identity_Key

    inner join ( -- stl

    Select ts1.Orgcode,ts1.Effectivedate

    from SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure ts1

    inner join ( -- ts2

    SELECT Orgcode , max(Effectivedate) as Effectivedate

    FROM SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure

    where Effectivedate <= @Effectivedate

    group by Orgcode

    ) as ts2

    on ts1.Orgcode=ts2.Orgcode

    and ts1.Effectivedate=ts2.Effectivedate

    where (ts1.ReporttoOrgcode in (72551) )

    ) AS stl

    ON tblp.StaffUID = stl.Orgcode

    WHERE (al.Report_ID = 2)

    AND (tblp.Batchdate = @Effectivedate)

    ) Counttrans

    Eight tables are read by the query (even if some of them are the same table read more than once) which will put you somewhere around the tipping point for an optimiser timeout. Check if this is the case as it could easily cause the two queries to run in substantially different times. If it is, then simplify the query - the repeated section would make this easy, simply resolve that section out into a temp table, like this:

    SELECT ts1.Orgcode --, ts1.Effectivedate

    INTO #stl

    FROM SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure ts1

    INNER JOIN ( -- ts2

    SELECT Orgcode, max(Effectivedate) as Effectivedate

    FROM SPICE_tblOrgheriarchystructure

    WHERE Effectivedate <= @Effectivedate

    GROUP BY Orgcode

    ) AS ts2

    ON ts1.Orgcode = ts2.Orgcode

    AND ts1.Effectivedate = ts2.Effectivedate

    WHERE ts1.ReporttoOrgcode in (72551)

    select (

    select count(Identity_Key)

    from dbo.SPICE_tblPremiumoverirde tblp

    inner join #st1 AS stl

    ON tblp.StaffUID = stl.Orgcode

    where tblp.Batchdate = @Effectivedate


    SELECT COUNT(als.Identity_Key)

    FROM SPICE_tblallocationstatus AS als

    INNER JOIN SPICE_tblallocation AS al

    ON als.allocation_key = al.allocation_key

    INNER JOIN dbo.SPICE_tblPremiumoverirde tblp

    ON als.Identity_Key = tblp.Identity_Key

    INNER JOIN #st1 AS stl

    ON tblp.StaffUID = stl.Orgcode

    WHERE tblp.Batchdate = @Effectivedate

    AND al.Report_ID = 2

    ) Counttrans

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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