Performance tuning a procedure

  • Note: please see the attached file for the actual execution plan and the io & time statistics.

    I'm trying to tune a procedure. I've successfully added indexes that takes some of the table scans to index scans (not much better, but it's a start).

    The procedure has one of those where clauses like:

    where (@value = 'ss and field1 = @Value1) or

    (@value = 'bg' and field2 = @Value2) or

    (@value = 'xx' and field2 = @Value2 and field3 = @Value3) or

    (@value = 'zz' and field4 = @Value4)

    I've separated this out:

    if @value = 'ss' execute spProc;2 @Value1

    else if @value = 'bg' execute spProc;3 @Value2

    else if @value = 'xx' execute spProc;4 @Value2, @Value3

    else if @value = 'zz' execute spProc;5 @Value4

    I'm running the new code and the old code in my "test harness", which gets the attached statistics and execution plan.

    Now, the new changes (according to the statistics) look better to me: improved time, less logical and physical reads on many tables.

    However, the execution plan shows that the new query is 63% of the batch.

    I'm having trouble reconciling this discrepancy. Anyone have any ideas?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • The percentages and costs are estimates. They may not be accurate.

    If the new query has fewer reads and a lower exec time then I'd go with that and ignore the costs. Just make sure you don't have outdated stats as they can cause bad estimates for cost and non-optimal plans.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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  • Just looked at the plan. There are incorrect estimates (too high) in a few places so that may explain the cost. Also, if you look, the first plan has paralleled and the second hasn't. Beyond that there's problems here. You've got index scans and clustered index scans everywhere.

    May I suggest the following indexes?

    [dbo].[Directory] ([brigade_cd] ,[region_cd]) INCLUDE (dir_sch_cd,sch_nm)

    [dbo].[TRNG_Campus] (student_id)

    [dbo].[Campus_APFT] (KeyCol14, student_id) INCLUDE (test_dt, calc_total_scr_qy)

    [dbo].[TRNG_Ht_Wt] (Student_id) INCLUDE (record_dt, height_dm, weight_wt)

    [dbo].[TRNG_Campus_Comments] (student_id)

    [dbo].[Campus_LDIM] (ldim_type_cd, student_id, position_cd)

    There's probably more that are needed, see what those do for a start.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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