Performance problems with (unnecessary) nested stored procedures

  • Sounds like a job for CONTEXT_INFO.

    If you put "SET CONTEXT_INFO 0x0" before every BEGIN TRAN (and possibly after every COMMIT/ROLLBACK), put "IF CONTEXT_INFO() = 0x0" before every "EXEC ContextCheck", and "SET CONTEXT_INFO 0x1" in the ContextCheck procedure when successful, it might do what you are looking for.

  • Sorry, "SET CONTEXT_INFO {binary value}" works in SQL 2000 but the CONTEXT_INFO() function does not exist. You have to use

    SELECT context_info

    FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses

    WHERE spid = @@SPID

    Since it still requires a SELECT, I don't know whether it would result in a major performance improvement or not.

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