Performance problem when joining a lot of tables

  • Hello

    I have a query which accesses one table and two views. A "SELECT *" on the table/views is very fast (under one second) and the number of records returned is <200 on each table/view. Also when I use real tables instead of views my query is very fast (under one second).

    But when I use the table/views the query is very, very slow (about 30 seconds).

    Is this a problem of the optimizer? Do I have to make temporary tables or is there a way to tell SQL Server not to do so much optimization between the views but just take the views "as they are"?

    You can have a look at the query on . I had similar problems before at another customer. There I could solve the problem by reformulating the query - but I didn't understand the underlying problem which caused this sudden loss of performance.



  • It would really help if we saw the execution plan of th query.

  • You have many scans on the "par" table, in different spots in the plan.

    is that a large table?


  • No, this table has only one record (accounting stuff: the client and the current year).

  • well, it is a pretty complicated join.

    you might be able to improve perf by using a few temp tables instead, to decrease the number of joins.


  • Ok - heres the biggie:

    When I change all "LEFT JOIN" in "LEFT HASH JOIN" (only in my query, I don't touch the views) the whole query needs under one second (the original query needs with the current data over a minute).

    Does the "LEFT HASH JOIN" brings any disadvantages?

    Can anybody explain this to me? Are there any books where I can learn such things. I'm a bit worried about my "technique": rewriting a query until it is fast without really knowing what I am doing.



  • Btw - the new execution plans are here:


  • here's a good explanation of hash join:

    Craig Freedman's blog is excellent for learning about the inner workings of the optimizer.


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