April 7, 2005 at 8:30 am
The DISTINCTS give me the total number of SETS contained amongst the images I am selecting, and the total number of NEW SETS contained amongst the images I am selecting.
I will try building the query step by step to see where it starts coming to it's knees. Will post back when I am through.
April 7, 2005 at 8:31 am
Thanks! This query functions normally, but the performance is no better than the others, unfortunately.
April 7, 2005 at 8:35 am
The query that seems to work the best up until now is one suggested by a member on another forum. It is below:
select a.Category_name, a.Set_count, a.Category_id, a.Image_count, a.Image_id, b.New_Image_Count, b.New_Set_Count from ( SELECT tblC.catDesc AS Category_Name, COUNT(DISTINCT tblI.set_ID) AS Set_Count, tblC.cat_ID AS Category_ID, COUNT(tblI.Img_ID) AS Image_Count, MIN(tblI.Img_ID) AS Image_ID FROM tblCategories tblC LEFT JOIN tblImage tblI ON tblC.cat_ID = tblI.cat_ID WHERE tblC.skin_ID = @skin_ID GROUP BY tblC.cat_id, tblC.catDesc ) as a join ( select c.Cat_id, count(case when i.display_status = 1 then -55 end) as New_Image_Count, count(distinct i.Set_id) as New_Set_Count from tblCategories c l eft join tblImage i on i.Cat_ID = c.Cat_ID and i.d_t > @d_t where c.skin_ID = @skin_ID group by c.Cat_id ) as b on a.Category_ID = b.Cat_ID ORDER BY a.Category_Name
I am now starting to rebuild my original query from scratch to see at exactly what point performance degrades. Will post back shortly.
Thanks so much for everyone's assistance!
April 7, 2005 at 9:07 am
Ok. Here we go. Below I will show the first 3 steps of this query, and the time it is taking to execute.
Step 1 (executing in less than 1 second):
SELECT tblC.catDesc AS Category_Name, tblC.cat_ID AS Category_ID FROM tblCategories tblC WHERE tblC.skin_ID = @skin_ID GROUP BY tblC.cat_id, tblC.catDesc ORDER BY Category_Name
Step 2 (executing in 0-2 seconds):
SELECT tblC.catDesc AS Category_Name, tblC.cat_ID AS Category_ID FROM tblCategories tblC LEFT JOIN tblImage tblI ON tblC.cat_ID = tblI.cat_ID WHERE tblC.skin_ID = @skin_ID GROUP BY tblC.cat_id, tblC.catDesc ORDER BY Category_Name
Step 3 (executing in 2-3 seconds):
SELECT tblC.catDesc AS Category_Name, tblC.cat_ID AS Category_ID, COUNT(tblI.Img_ID) AS Image_Count FROM tblCategories tblC INNER JOIN tblImage tblI ON tblC.cat_ID = tblI.cat_ID WHERE tblC.skin_ID = @skin_ID GROUP BY tblC.cat_id, tblC.catDesc ORDER BY Category_Name
.. 3 seconds seems to be an awful lot for Step 3. All I'm adding is the COUNT(tblI.Img_ID). Should this really take a whole other second?
April 7, 2005 at 9:23 am
I remember seening elsewhere (sqlteam.com) that there is a 'special' difference between COUNT(*) and COUNT(tblI.Img_ID)...difference relates to something to do with counting/summing NULLS.
Maybe the former is more suitable for you?
Do you need to know the number of img_id's or the number of records returned from the image table?
Maybe the extra time is taken to read and inspect a (non-indexed column??), when COUNT(*) just evaluates to whatever indexed column would satisfy the query.
April 7, 2005 at 9:36 am
Strange I checked the exec plan for both solutions
declare @skin_ID int
set @Skin_ID=1
declare @d_t datetime
set @d_t=getdate()
select a.Category_name, a.Set_count, a.Category_id, a.Image_count, a.Image_id, b.New_Image_Count, b.New_Set_Count
from ( SELECT tblC.catDesc AS Category_Name, COUNT(DISTINCT tblI.set_ID) AS Set_Count, tblC.cat_ID AS Category_ID, COUNT(tblI.Img_ID) AS Image_Count, MIN(tblI.Img_ID) AS Image_ID FROM tblCategories tblC LEFT JOIN tblImage tblI ON tblC.cat_ID = tblI.cat_ID WHERE tblC.skin_ID = @skin_ID GROUP BY tblC.cat_id, tblC.catDesc) as a join ( select c.Cat_id, count(case when i.display_status = 1 then -55 end) as New_Image_Count, count(distinct i.Set_id) as New_Set_Count from tblCategories c left join tblImage i on i.Cat_ID = c.Cat_ID and i.d_t > @d_t where c.skin_ID = @skin_ID group by c.Cat_id  as b on a.Category_ID = b.Cat_ID ORDER BY a.Category_Name
SELECT catDesc as Category_Name,
tC.cat_ID as Category_ID,
ISNULL(SUM(Set_Count),0) as Set_Count,
ISNULL(SUM(Image_Count),0) as Image_Count,
MIN(Image_ID) as Image_ID,
ISNULL(SUM(New_Image_Count),0) as New_Image_Count,
ISNULL(SUM(New_Set_Count),0) as New_Set_Count
FROM tblCategories tC left join
cat_ID AS Category_ID,
1 AS Set_Count,
COUNT(tblI.Img_ID) AS Image_Count,
MIN(tblI.Img_ID) AS Image_ID,
COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN tblI.d_t > @d_t AND tblI.display_status = 1 THEN 1 END), 0) AS New_Image_Count,
FROM tblImage tblI
GROUP BY cat_id, tblI.set_ID
) t
on tC.cat_ID=t.Category_ID
WHERE tC.skin_ID = @skin_ID
GROUP BY tC.cat_ID, tC.catDesc
ORDER BY tC.catDesc
and the sec one looks really better.
Have you added the INDEXES that I specified?
April 7, 2005 at 10:01 am
|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE[Expr1014]=isnull([Expr1009], 0), [Expr1015]=isnull([Expr1010], 0), [Expr1016]=isnull([Expr1012], 0), [Expr1017]=isnull([Expr1013], 0)))
|--Nested Loops(Left Outer Join, OUTER REFERENCES[tC].[cat_ID]))
|--Index Seek(OBJECT[Test1].[dbo].[tblCategories].[IX_tblCategories_2] AS [tC]), SEEK[tC].[skin_ID]=[@skin_ID]) ORDERED FORWARD)
|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE[Expr1009]=If ([Expr1075]=0) then NULL else [Expr1076], [Expr1010]=If ([Expr1077]=0) then NULL else [Expr1078], [Expr1012]=If ([Expr1079]=0) then NULL else [Expr1080], [Expr1013]=If ([Expr1081]=0) then NULL else [Expr1082]))
|--Stream Aggregate(DEFINE[Expr1075]=COUNT_BIG([Expr1006]), [Expr1076]=SUM([Expr1006]), [Expr1077]=COUNT_BIG([Expr1001]), [Expr1078]=SUM([Expr1001]), [Expr1011]=MIN([Expr1002]), [Expr1079]=COUNT_BIG([Expr1007]), [Expr1080]=SUM([Expr1007]), [Expr1081]=COUNT_BIG([Expr1008]), [Expr1082]=SUM([Expr1008])))
|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE[Expr1006]=1, [Expr1007]=If ([Expr1003]NULL) then [Expr1003] else 0, [Expr1008]=If (If ([Expr1004]>0) then 1 else NULLNULL) then If ([Expr1004]>0) then 1 else NULL else 0))
|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE[Expr1001]=Convert([Expr1070]), [Expr1003]=If ([Expr1071]=0) then NULL else [Expr1072], [Expr1004]=If ([Expr1073]=0) then NULL else [Expr1074]))
|--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY[tblI].[set_ID]) DEFINE[Expr1070]=Count(*), [Expr1002]=MIN([tblI].[Img_ID]), [Expr1071]=COUNT_BIG(If ([tblI].[d_t]>[@d_t] AND [tblI].[display_status]=1) then 1 else NULL), [Expr1072]=SUM(If ([tblI].[d_t]>[@d_t] AND [tblI].[display_status]=1) then 1 else NULL), [Expr1073]=COUNT_BIG(If ([tblI].[d_t]>[@d_t]) then 1 else NULL), [Expr1074]=SUM(If ([tblI].[d_t]>[@d_t]) then 1 else NULL)))
|--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK[Bmk1000]), OBJECT[Test1].[dbo].[tblImage] AS [tblI]))
|--Index Seek(OBJECT[Test1].[dbo].[tblImage].[IX_tblImage] AS [tblI]), SEEK[tblI].[cat_ID]=[tC].[cat_ID]) ORDERED BACKWARD)
April 7, 2005 at 11:16 am
Can't determine any noticeable difference between COUNT(*) and COUNT(tblI.Img_ID) in Step 3 (above). Both seem to be executing in the same amount of time.
April 7, 2005 at 11:38 am
Did you want me to make that the clustered index, or just a regular index? Right now as the table exists on my server there are two indexes on tblImage:
[Img_ID] - Clustered
Fields: Img_ID
Fields: cat_id, set_id
When I execute your query with these indexes, it is doing a clustered index SCAN on the clustered index, and not using the cat_id_set_id index.
April 7, 2005 at 11:41 am
Making that index clustered, and removing the clustered index on Img_ID makes your query perform the fastest now. 80% of the time it executes in 1 seconds. The other 20% its 2+, but still the fastest for having all of the data.
April 8, 2005 at 7:35 am
Any other ideas, or is this about the quickest we are going to be able to get this?
April 8, 2005 at 8:26 am
The variation in time is that big because there is a BOOKMARK
if there are more rows that match criteria this will take longer...
April 8, 2005 at 8:34 am
SELECT catDesc as Category_Name,
tC.cat_ID as Category_ID,
ISNULL(SUM(Set_Count),0) as Set_Count,
ISNULL(SUM(Image_Count),0) as Image_Count,
MIN(Image_ID) as Image_ID,
ISNULL(SUM(New_Image_Count),0) as New_Image_Count,
ISNULL(SUM(New_Set_Count),0) as New_Set_Count
FROM tblCategories tC left join
select x.cat_ID AS Category_ID,Set_Count,Image_Count,Image_ID,New_Image_Count,New_Set_Count from
1 AS Set_Count,
COUNT(tblI.Img_ID) AS Image_Count,
MIN(tblI.Img_ID) AS Image_ID--,
--COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN tblI.d_t > @d_t AND tblI.display_status = 1 THEN 1 END), 0) AS New_Image_Count,
--COALESCE(CASE WHEN SUM(CASE WHEN tblI.d_t > @d_t THEN 1 END)>0 THEN 1 END,0) AS New_Set_Count
FROM tblImage tblI
GROUP BY cat_id, tblI.set_ID
) x left Join
SUM(tblI.display_status ) AS New_Image_Count,
1 AS New_Set_Count
FROM tblImage tblI
WHERE tblI.d_t > @d_t
GROUP BY cat_id, tblI.set_ID
) y on x.cat_ID=y.cat_ID
) t
on tC.cat_ID=t.Category_ID
WHERE tC.skin_ID = @skin_ID
GROUP BY tC.cat_ID, tC.catDesc
ORDER BY tC.catDesc
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