performance on fulltext search

  • Hi friends,

    I got another question and I can't figure out where to look any more.

    here is the problem: I got a table with approx. 1.5 million records.

    Now I need to query the fulltext index on the table

    SELECT count(columnName)

    FROM tableName WHERE


    This takes roughly 5s to search coming back with 1.3 million results.

    The same query with

    SELECT count(columnName)

    FROM tableName WHERE


    comes back instantly, returning a bit less in count, because of the obvious differences between fulltext and equals search.

    i am not worried about the result, I am just worried about the difference in time it takes the query to complete.

    I verified that the catalog is fully populated and also that the uniquekeycount is there.

    So, is this normal that it takes so long? or where should i start looking.

    Oh, the unique index for the fti is a clustered primary key and all indexes are on the same filegroup.

    Please help me urgently guys, I don't understand what is going on there

    Thanks a lot


  • hmm, can't believe noone has answered at all.

    Come on folks, I am just asking about your experiences with this. Is a simple fulltext query really that much slower than a select with attribute = value?

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