Performance of UNION on similar queries and group by

  • If I have a query such as the one below I wrote using the Adventureworks Database, is there a more optimal way to write it?

    Since the first is really the same as the second, with the exception of an additional group by column, is there a way to do this more effeciently?

    Looking at the Execution Plan (attached) it seems to be doing the same work twice.

    SELECT CAST(SOD.SalesOrderID AS VARCHAR(25)) SalesOrderID,SOD.ProductID,AVG(orderqty) AVGQTY,

    AVG(UnitPrice) UNIRPRICE

    FROM SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail SOD

    INNER JOIN SalesLT.Product P ON P.ProductID = SOD.ProductID

    WHERE P.Color = 'Red'

    GROUP BY SOD.SalesOrderID,SOD.ProductID


    SELECT 'AllSalesOrders' SalesOrderID,SOD.ProductID,AVG(orderqty) AVGQTY,

    AVG(UnitPrice) UNIRPRICE

    FROM SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail SOD

    INNER JOIN SalesLT.Product P ON P.ProductID = SOD.ProductID

    WHERE P.Color = 'Red'

    GROUP BY SOD.ProductID

    Thanks 🙂

  • Hello Frank,

    Your query made me feel that you can use the ROLLUP or CUBE t-sql functions.

    You know SQL2008 has also introduced the GROUPING SETS.

    You will find some samples at Group By Grouping Sets - Rollup and Cube

    I'll give a try to myself to get similar results to your query,


  • Hi Frank,

    Can you please check the following query which I used the GROUP BY GROUPING SETS


    ISNULL(SalesOrderID,'AllSalesOrders') SalesOrderID, ProductID, AVG(AVGQTY * 1.0) AVGQTY, AVG(UNIRPRICE) UNIRPRICE

    FROM (


    CAST(SOD.SalesOrderID AS VARCHAR(25)) SalesOrderID,


    orderqty AVGQTY,

    UnitPrice UNIRPRICE

    FROM SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail SOD

    INNER JOIN SalesLT.Product P ON P.ProductID = SOD.ProductID

    WHERE P.Color = 'Red'

    ) Cnt

    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS(SalesOrderID,ProductID,(),(SalesOrderID,ProductID))


    ORDER BY ProductID

    I hope it is as you wish!


    T-SQL Development

  • That looks great.

    I will try this concept on my real query and let you know how it goes.

    Thanks! 🙂

  • I tried this on my actual environment, and using grouping sets did yield identical results as I had before, but performance was slower than 2 separate group by queries with a UNION.

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