Performance measurement/analysis...

  • Hello all,

    I am basically looking for some simple tips and tricks for measuring and analysing the performance of my server. I would like to set up profiler to watch the overnight jobs that run, and also day to day client processes. I hope to be able to analyse the execution plans etc and see why the server seems to be taking some time to perform updates (RAID5, thought this was bias towards updates?).

    So, if anyone has any general tips/tricks - please enlighten me. I would be most grateful.


  • Carl, I think you may want to start with running Windows Performance Monitor and recording counters related to SQL Server activities. You will find those there.

    With the Profiler, try this scenario. Run it for a few hours but limit to SQL generated by the given applications only (not by system). Setup this profile to store results in a SQL table. Then you can research the reults in the SQL table using all the power of the SQL language.


  • Good site with lots of tips around monitoring (other than this one).

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