Performance difference between using IN CLAUSE and JOINS

  • Hi,

    I have a query where I am retrieving data using

    the IN Clause. I am planning to rewrite the same query

    using Joins. But before doing that, I want to know if

    I can gain any performance using Join rather than IN


    Here is the sample query

    select company, department, division, sum(Amount)

    from tableA

    where company in ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F',


    and division in ('H', 'I', 'J','K')

    and department in ('L', 'M', 'N')

    group by company, department, division

    tableA contains millions of rows.

    Instead of doing like above, I am thinking of

    creating three temp tables. one for company, one for

    division and department and join these temp tables

    with main table like this

    select, A.department, A.division,

    sum(Amount) from tableA A JOIN #company C ON

    A.Company = C.Company

    JOIN #department DE ON A.Department = DE.Department

    JOIN #division DI ON A.Division = DE.Division

    GROUP BY, A.department, A.division

    I am guessing that if I use IN clause, then SQL SERVER

    will internally use JOINS to do the processing so that

    there won't be any performance difference.

    Please let me know.



  • The only way for you to know for sure is to try it out on your data.

    Check the plan for your existing IN variant, and compare it with your alternate method.

    Usually an IN clause will be converted to a join internally, but that's still an assumption. If it's true for you, only you can find out by actually testing it.


  • That is because few things are faster than INNER JOIN using the FROM and ON clause, most SQL Server users still use the WHERE clause but the query processor ignores the WHERE clause when there is an ON clause.  Check out SQL Performance by Peter Gulutzan for more info.  A quick way to find out is click on show execution plan before running both queries.  Hope this helps.


    Kind regards,

    Gift Peddie


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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