January 24, 2008 at 11:28 am
Hi there,
Is there a performance benifit to using a MERGE statement to update/insert/delete data vs a similar programatic way?
A sample MERGE
MERGE Order_Archive AS OA
(SELECT order_ID, -- The initial query to find records
load_date = MIN(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 112)),
order_total = SUM(order_amount),
order_count = COUNT(*)
FROM order_details
WHERE order_year <= 2008
GROUP BY order_ID)
AS archive_cte (order_ID, load_date, order_total, order_count) ON (oa.CustomerID = archive_cte.CustomerID
AND oa.SalesDate = archive_cte.LoadDate)
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN -- The INSERT statement used when no match is found
INSERT (order_ID, order_date, order_amount, order_count, create_date, update_date)
VALUES( archive_cte.order_ID, archive_cte.load_date, archive_cte.order_total,
archive_cte.order_count, GETDATE(), GETDATE())
WHEN MATCHED THEN -- The UPDATE statement used when a match is found
UPDATE SET oa.order_amount = oa.order_amount + archive_cte.order_amount,
oa.TotalSalesCount = oa.order_count + archive_cte.order_count,
oa.update_date = GETDATE();
You could just as easily do two IF statements. I don't currently have 2008 installed so I can't really test it out myself.
January 24, 2008 at 10:47 pm
I haven't made it to trying 2008 yet, but I would guess that there may be some kind of benefit from reduced locking (depending on the isolation level and the desired actions). I would be very interested in knowing how a merge statement handles the different locks should anyone have a good link.
February 8, 2008 at 1:57 pm
matt stockham (1/24/2008)
I haven't made it to trying 2008 yet, but I would guess that there may be some kind of benefit from reduced locking (depending on the isolation level and the desired actions). I would be very interested in knowing how a merge statement handles the different locks should anyone have a good link.
February 8, 2008 at 2:27 pm
Thanks Adam, just what I wanted.
August 12, 2008 at 2:20 pm
MERGE provides approximately the same performance as the previous "upsert" solutions. If you need performance and upsert/merge operations, and the majority of the operations are updates then try the TRY...[UPDATE]... CATCH [INSERT] method. You'll be surprised... 🙂
-- Erik http://blog.rollback.hu
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