Perfomance Degradation on Win2k SP4

  • Hi All.

    I have a major performance degradation of SQL 7.0 (sp3) on Win2k Advanced server after upgrading to SP4 for Win2k.

    There is no degradation observed with SP2 for Win2k.

    Is there anybody who has noticed this, Please let me know as to what components of win2ksp4 cause this degradation

    Please let me know if you need more information.


    Jesus My Saviour

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  • Hi All..

    With lot of hours spent running the load under different combinations it proved useless. The problem was a bug with Service Pack4 for windows. Microsoft finally gave us the hotfix. I am pretty sure microsoft developed the patch after me reporting the problem to them in january.

    Anyways...guys...if anyone facing similar problem are unaware of the problem please refer to this article



    Jesus My Saviour

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