August 17, 2012 at 6:23 am
You will want to use the RELOG utility to convert the file from one type to another. Here are a few examples:
1. Enumerates the list of counters present in a particular collection to the DOS console:
RELOG "C:\MyDirectoryPath\MyCounterFile.blg" -Q
It's important to remember that a collection may be configured for a object/counter that does not exist. (For example a drive letter that is not present on the server)
2. Enumerates the list of counters present in a particular collection, recording the entries in a file:
RELOG "C:\MyDirectoryPath\MyCounterFile.blg" -Q -O "C:\MyDirectoryPath\MyCounterList.txt"
This is very similar to example 1, but the results are written to a txt file.
3. Convert the binary data stored in a .blg to a flat file:
RELOG "C:\MyDirectoryPath\MyCounterFile.blg" -F CSV -O "C:\MyDirectoryPath\MyCounterFile.txt"
This process will convert the input file (.blg) to a CSV (.txt), which can be imported into many tools, like EXCEL. The counter list created in step 2 can be edited, to limit the counters to be imported. This criteria can be added to the RELOG command line, by adding this parameter to the command:
-CF "C:\MyDirectoryPath\MyCounterList.txt"
4. Import the counters collection into a SQL Server database:
RELOG "C:\MyDirectoryPath\MyCounterFile.blg" -O SQL:PrimarySQL_odbc!CollectionName
Create an odbc connection, in this case, called "PrimarySQL_odbc". This imports the data into the default schema, with the DisplayToID of "CollectionName".
This process creates three tables:
DisplayToID: describes the batch of perfmon counters loaded
CounterDetails: describes the individual counters recorded for a particular batch
CounterData: describes the detailed samples from each counter collection
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